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The New Leipzig Charter and JRC's Urban Activities - EUKN Webinar for the JRC

This webinar (26 November, 14:30-16:00 CEST) showcases a recent study by the EUKN assessing JRC’s urban activities against the framework of the New Leipzig Charter, and explores how to enhance the EU science-policy interface post-2020.

date:  26/11/2020

venue:  Online

Organiser:  EUKN EGTC in cooperation with the JRC Territorial Development (B3) Unit


See alsoEvent programme

This webinar (26 November, 14:30-16:00 CEST) showcases a recent study by the EUKN assessing JRC’s urban activities against the framework of the New Leipzig Charter, and explores how to enhance the EU science-policy interface post-2020.

The study investigates the role the JRC can play in informing urban policymaking within the framework for sustainable urban development proposed by the New Leipzig Charter (NLC) for the next ten years.  

By analysing how the core activities of the JRC on cities align with the NLC framework, the study reflects on how this role could be strengthened. Both gaps and opportunities within the wider EU urban science-policy interface are also considered, taking into account the ongoing development of urban matters in the EU and the urban dimension of its policies.