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58th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology


TECHRISK at the first EU-NATO Structured Dialogue

JRC Raw Materials Information System (RMIS) Workshop with HaDEA

This workshop aims to strengthen dialogue between the JRC RMIS team and EU-funded projects on raw materials, with a view to facilitate the integration of the most important knowledge outputs from these projects into the RMIS. EU-funded projects are managed by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) of the European Commission.

8th Raw Materials Week

This event gathers a wide range of stakeholders to discuss policies and initiatives in the field of raw materials.

CoP Cities Annual Plenary 2023

Dear CoP Cities members,

We invite all of you to join our annual CoP-CITIES plenary meeting taking place Wednesday, October 11 12:00 – 15:00 hours. The event will take place at the JRC CDMA in Brussels, as an official side event of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2023.

Speakers will update you on relevant work on cities, while there will also be time for open discussions and questions from the audience. During the meeting, we will also inform you about some short JRC publications on urban topics that could be relevant for CoP-CITIES members.

You can find more information about the agenda, speakers, and how to register to attend the plenary below. Feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you think might be interested in participating in the plenary.

EWRC 2023 - A fairer future for European cities: navigating urban inqualities and vulnerabilities

How can we foster cities that are inclusive, resilient, and sustainable? Join our session in which we will tackle urban inequalities and vulnerabilities, focusing on climate change adaptation and pressing issues such as housing and homelessness.

The session will discuss the recent Urban Agenda for the EU partnership on Cities of Equality and feature recent scientific research on several European cities. Our moderator is Orna Rosenfeld, and among our speakers, we have representatives of the City of Rotterdam (NL), the L’Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques (OFCE) at SciencesPo, DG REGIO and JRC.

We are looking forward to discussing with you current trends and challenges to be addressed by urban administrators and policymakers, as well as possible policy interventions to promote cities that leave no one behind. You can register for the session using the link below (please do so before September 30th).

EWRC 2023 - Learn more about Towns in the EU and the OECD!

Towns play an important role in regional development. They have become the focus of more policy attention in recent years, with several countries investigating how towns are doing and how they can be strengthened.

This session will describe how towns are doing in the EU and show how some play a central role regionally and provide the surrounding rural areas with access to specialised services. In addition, it will describe the challenges facing towns and offer policy recommendations.

New European Bauhaus Prizes

As every year, 20 exemplary innovative projects and concepts, rewarding sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion, will be awarded NEB prizes in April 2024. Applications are open until 10 November 2023 at 19:00 CET and should be submitted through the official New European Bauhaus Prizes platform.