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EPFL Artist-in-residence program

The EPFL-CDH Artist-in-Residence (AiR) Program “Enter the Hyper-Scientific” invites professional Swiss and international creative practitioners for three-month residencies to realize innovative and visionary projects at the intersection of art, science, and advanced technologies. Application deadline October 16, 2023.

ProHelvetia Art Science and Technology programmes

The Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia is looking to support research-based and process-oriented programmes that foster exchange between art, science and technology involving organisations in Switzerland and across the world. Application deadline: 2 October 2023. Applications must be submitted via myprohelvetia.

Nuclear Safeguards - INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting

During the joint INMM & ESARDA Annual Meeting in Vienna, a special panel is organised on the launch of the nuclear safeguards support project, funded by the European Commission, co-funded by Finland and executed by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland (STUK) in collaboration with the African Commission on Nuclear Energy (AFCONE).

Space in Africa

The NewSpace Africa Conference addresses “Space for Africa’s socioeconomic transformation”, and aims to build new partnerships and business collaborations to advance the economics of the industry.

Next SUD peer-review in Vicenza

The city of Vicenza will host the next Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) peer-review, organised by the JRC in collaboration with DG-REGIO. Peer-reviews are an open and trustful learning environment for discussing how to address challenges around the 2021-2027 urban strategies financed by the cohesion policy. The event will host 50 participants from municipalities across the EU, experts in strategic spatial planning and representative of the EC. The other cities under review will be Šibenik (Croatia), Valencia (Spain) and Banská Bystrica (Slovakia).

CoP Cities presence at the Cities Forum in March

Our CoP CITIES will have its own stand at the Cities Forum in Turin. Here we will exhibit recent work on cities, while also welcoming all community members to come by for a chat.

Next to that, the B3 Territorial Development Unit of the JRC will be actively present at the Cities Forum 2023 with a session titled ‘The role and challenges of small- and medium-sized urban areas in bringing Europe closer to citizens and driving the green and just transition’. This will be the occasion to launch the new ‘Policy atlas of sustainable urban development for small urban areas’. We will also contribute to the session ‘How can cities build their capacities on sustainable urban development under the European Urban Initiative?’.

World Urban Forum

The World Urban Forum is the most important global event on sustainable urbanisation and human settlement. The theme of this 11th edition is “Transforming Our Cities for a Better Urban Future”.

Several thematic sessions will be offered by the EC and its partners, including training events, SDGs in Action sessions or Voices from Cities contributions. The WUF 11 is a great opportunity to discuss urban issues; it allows the dissemination of the results of research activities on territorial trends and urban challenges, and extends and reinforces links and collaborations with external partners and European local and regional governments.

Webinars on city statistics

The European Commission Expert Group on City statistics and the IAOS Standing Committee on Regional and Urban Statistics (SCORUS) are organising two webinars on city statistics.

1. City statistics: past, present and future (7 June 15:30-17:00 Brussels time)

2. Integrating available data sources for city statistics: Challenges and opportunities (8 June 11:30-13:00 Brussels time).

To follow the webinar, please fill in the form provided by the link.

CoP Cities Plenary 2022 - Save the date!

Dear CoP-CITIES members,

Thursday April 28th from 14:00 – 15:30 hours marks the new date and time for our annual CoP-CITIES plenary meeting. We kindly invite all of you to SAVE THE DATE and join us!

The meeting will include speakers from DG REGIO and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) as well as various European Commission policy departments, who will be updating you on relevant work on cities, such as the new policy briefs and the results of the CityLabs Exploratory Research Activity. Next to that, city networks will present some of their recent work.

We will dedicate some time for open discussions and questions and invite all participants to initiate and/or collaborate on future short publications on relevant urban topics.

Eddy Adams from URBACT will moderate the event.

Find the link to the meeting (Zoom) here

Please, note that the detailed agenda will be shared with a special edition of the newsletter when the event approaches.

For any further questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us through:

EU cities acting for just transitions and climate adaptation

UIA & the city of Seville are organising a 2-day on-site event on April 27- 28 to discuss how EU cities can contribute to green and just transitions and showcase concrete experiments that help build resilient cities. Among others, Mikel Landabaso, Director of Growth and Innovation, Joint Research Centre - European Commission will join the high-level opening panel on April 27

Presentation of report "A place-based approach to migrant integration"

Our JRC colleagues will present the findings from the JRC Exploratory Research Activity on "International Migrants in Functional Urban Areas", the agenda includes:

the presentation of the JRC report; interventions of representatives of the European Commission on measures supporting migrants’ integration at local level; a discussion with distinguished scholars concerning the integrated urban strategies of five urban case studies.

Commissioner Breton to meet with EU Mayors on the 2nd of December

Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton  will engage in a dialogue with EU Mayors from the Living-in.EU movement and the Intelligent Cities Challenge on the green and digital transformation and socio-economic resilience of cities and communities.  

The dialogue will focus on the cities’ priorities, challenges, and expectations in relation to the transition pathway of the city and community towards a sustainable future.

EPAA Annual Conference

The aim of this event is to give participants insight on EPAA achievements in 2021, announce the EPAA Refinement prize winner, and to discuss its role in the EU Chemical Strategy for Sustainability. A draft programme and registration will be available soon on the EPAA website.

European Week of Cities and Regions 2021: “European cities localising the SDGs: experiences and lessons learned”

Organized by the city of Seville with the JRC, this workshop will present and discuss the experiences of Seville, Porto, Valencia, Bratislava, Regio Emilia, Oulu, Seville on integrating the SDGs in their local strategies and actions.

These cities, which participate to the URBAN2030 project of the Joint Research Centre, have been working on an evidence-based approach to SDGs and on supporting their policies decision by meaningful data-based analysis. Cities will report and engage with the audience on how to improve the participation of stakeholders and communities in the efforts to achieve the SDGs, considering recovery plans and actions.

European Week of Cities and Regions 2021: “Lonely places and shrinking areas: challenges and opportunities for the future”

The workshop will focus on challenges and opportunities in lonely places and shrinking areas, with particular attention to cohesion policy support. The event will present 2 forthcoming reports: “From lonely places to places of opportunities” from the JRC, and “The ERDF support to areas confronted to population decline” carried out for DG REGIO by Spatial Foresight Europe.

A panel discussion will then involve representatives from Youth organisations, The European Rural Development Network, members the European Parliament and the European Committee of the Regions.

Affordable Housing: Challenges and Prospects seminar

The Community of Practice on CITIES invites you to the seminar 'Affordable Housing: Challenges and Prospects' where we will present and discuss a recent department paper by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) titled ‘Affordable Rental Housing: Making it Part of Europe’s Recovery’ as well as selected scientific work on housing from the European Commission.

The seminar will take place Friday 1 October 15:00 - 16:30 hrs (CEST). No registration required.

Webinar: How are urban initiatives and actions supporting Green, Just and Productive Cities in the EU?

The webinars will showcase examples and initiatives from cities on how to develop resilience and further the implementation of the Green, Just and Productive city dimensions at the local level, and provide a space for discussing achievements, remaining issues and future opportunities to help cities face their challenges in a strategic way and thus contribute to sustainable urban development.