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Africa Knowledge Platform news

September 2022

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In this issue
A New Platform Dedicated to Knowledge on Africa
Quote Launched ahead of the EU-AU Summit in February 2022, the Africa Knowledge Platform strives to support dialogue between scientists and policymakers in Africa and Europe.

Welcome to the first issue of the Africa Knowledge Platform (AKP) newsletter!

Four years ago, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) published a comprehensive review - Science for the AU-EU Partnership - on the scientific challenges shared between Africa and Europe. This landmark report highlighted strengths, gaps, and opportunities in the existing evidence base to serve policy across the many sectors and priority areas critical for development. A key message from this report was the urgent need to share data, information, and analyses from the entire JRC research portfolio. And so, the AKP was born.

Launched ahead of the EU-AU Summit in February 2022, the AKP strives to support dialogue between scientists and policymakers in Africa and Europe, and strengthen evidence-based policy on the ground. The AKP can support EU policymakers throughout the whole policy cycle, including international development and cooperation policy initiatives, while also inspiring and raising awareness about current challenges and solutions. We invite you to explore the AKP.

At the time of writing, this open platform contains:

These features are available for the entire continent of Africa, or as country-specific syntheses.

Our aim is to make the AKP as easy to use as possible, allowing anyone to find and access information. You can filter information based on any of 69 different thematic topics or the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Should you need some help along the way, step-by-step video tutorials will help you navigate the rich features of the AKP.

We encourage you to spread the word about the AKP by inviting your colleagues to subscribe to this newsletter. They can sign up to receive the latest news on the AKP and can manage their subscriptions using the links at the bottom of this newsletter.

We believe that the AKP signals the beginning of deeper engagement between scientists and policy officers in Africa and Europe. As these relationships continue to grow, so too will the AKP. We therefore welcome any feedback, suggestions, or questions, which can be sent to us at

What we've been up to
European Development Days

The Africa Knowledge Platform team went to Brussels to show off the platform's powerful features.

Quote Users appreciated how the Africa Knowledge Platform makes it easy to explore spatial data and export statistics in a few clicks

The Africa Knowledge Platform was showcased during the European Development Days (EDD) held in Brussels in June 2022. The development community came together to share experiences on how best to tackle the world’s most pressing development challenges. The theme of the 15th edition was Global Gateway: building sustainable partnerships for a connected world; an ambition shared by the AKP.

Most participants who interacted with the AKP recognised it as an invaluable tool that can remove barriers to sharing data between stakeholders. Users also appreciated how the AKP makes it easy to explore spatial data and export statistics in a few clicks.

The two days at the EDD brought together many new potential partners and planted the seeds for several concrete collaborative actions that will take shape in the coming months.

What’s new on the platform
Great Green Wall

Fifteen years ago, the African Union established the Great Green Wall Initiative to combat desertification, land degradation and climate change. The Great Green Wall spans 8,000 km along the southern edge of the Saharan Desert, from Senegal to Djibouti, and aims to create 10 million jobs by restoring 100 million hectares of degraded land and capturing 250 tonnes of carbon dioxide by 2030.

Progress, however, has lagged ambition, with less than 20% of the restoration target having been reached so far. Meeting the 2030 targets will require that the current pace of land restoration increases to 8.2 million hectares annually, which will require €3.5 - 4.1 billion each year. Following on from this year’s 6th EU - AU Summit, the EU-Africa Global Gateway Investment Package mobilises a broad support package to boost this crucial next phase of Africa’s Great Green Wall.

To support these efforts, the Africa Knowledge Platform now includes four new geospatial datasets that are relevant to the Great Green Wall Initiative:

  1. The Sahelian transition boundaries, based on rainfall isohyets.
  2. The breath of the Sahel, which represent the dynamic expansion and contraction of the Sahelian zone.
  3. The boundaries of the Great Green Wall Initiative, as delineated by the FAO.
  4. The land productivity dynamics in the Sahel based on remotely sensed vegetation greenness.

A digital StoryMap on carbon storage in Africa also includes information relevant to the Great Green Wall Initiative.

AKP insights
No New Deal on Drought

Some participants at COP 15 of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification called for a legally-binding deal on drought, but settled on establishing a new Intergovernmental Working Group on Drought.

Connecting a Continent

A new report describes how the Joint Research Centre, in collaboration with European and African partners, prioritised 11 development corridors for strategic future investment.

Energy for the Exiled

New research from the JRC shows how investment in renewable energy could meet electricity demands for almost 300 refugee settlements in sub-Saharan Africa while contributing to climate ambitions.

Hazards to Heritage

New research from the JRC shows that under the worst-case emissions scenario, as much as 80% of Africa's coastal heritage sites could be exposed to sea-level rise by 2050.

In the next issue
Contribute to this newsletter

The next issue of this newsletter will focus on biodiversity. If you have participated in related work that would be relevant to users of the Africa Knowledge Platform, then we'd love to hear from you. Please get in touch by sending us and email to

The editorial team will make the final decision on what is included in future issues to the newsletter, but we welcome contributions that further science-based European policies on topics related to Africa.

This is an edition of the newsletter published by the Africa Knowledge Platform managed by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre.

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