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Lunch Time Dating

Future of Space Technologies in Europe

date:  14/12/2023 - 14/12/2023

venue:  JRC Ispra, 102/E02 Building + Webex

Organiser:  Directorate E - Unit E.2

RegistrationRegistration (in-person)

See alsoWebex (online)

ContactGeorgios GIANNOPOULOS

Following the successful Directorate “E Lunch Time Dating” initiative, this third event will give a look at the present and the future of space technologies in Europe, focusing on the added value that JRC provides through the entire policy cycle.

The presentations will cover the different components of the EU Space Programme, from Galileo to IRIS2, the new EU flagship programme for secure connectivity. A specific focus will be done on the future of Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) in Europe, including an overview of the most innovative services that are being designed for Galileo. Finally, the role that Quantum technologies are expected to play in the context of space applications will be also discussed.

The event is open to all JRC colleagues. Online attendance via Webex. In person registration is warmly welcome HERE. Agenda attached.

Looking forward to seeing you there!