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21st International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV 2022)

Going to the ESTIV Congress? If so, then we hope to see you there! Meet us at our booth no. 19 and talk with our JRC scientists who are giving presentations, running pre-conference workshops and presenting posters.

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date:  21/11/2022 - 25/11/2022

venue:  Sitges, Barcellona, Spain

See alsoESTIV 2022

Monday, November 21st, 2022

09:00-13:00: Pre-conference workshop – Bridging across methods in the biosciences (BeAMs): the opportunity of COVID-19
Chairs: Dr Annamaria Carusi & Dr Sofia Batista Leite

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022

8:30-10:30: Session 2a – Models, biomarkers and assays for endocrine disruption and developmental toxicity
Ingrid Langezaal – Upcoming validated mechanistic in vitro methods for the identification of thyroid disruptors

14:00-16:00: Session 4a – Computational toxicology – in silico modelling, read-across, artificial intelligence and machine learning
Donatella Carpi – Modelling in vitro time-concentration response of gene expression to chemical exposure

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022

11:00-13:00: Session 6b – Knowledge sharing and education
João Barroso – Scientific Validity of Non-Animal-Derived Antibodies

Thursday, November 24th, 2022

08:30-10:30: Session 7a – Developmental Neurotoxicity (DNT)
Laure-Alix Clerbaux – effects of spike protein and toxin-like peptides found in covid-19 patients on human 3d neuronal/glial model undergoing differentiation: possible sars-cov-2 implications for brain development

08:30-10:30: Session 7b – Implementation of NAMs into regulatory frameworks – establishing scientific confidence, development of standards and good practices
Sandra Coecke – Method developers are key players ensuring in-house reproducibility and relevance of in vitro methods paving the way for regulatory acceptance

11:00-12:40: Session 8b – In vitro COVID-19 research / Lung and cardiovascular models
Sandra Coecke – Knowledge from Human Relevant Cell, Tissue and Mathematics-based Methods as Key Tools for Understanding COVID-19 Dynamics, Kinetics, Symptoms, Risk Factors and Non-conventional Treatments

Poster sessions

Poster Session: 2a. Models, biomarkers and assays for endocrine disruption and developmental toxicity
Sandra Coecke – Investigation on the reproducibility of the DIO1 inhibition in vitro method based on human liver microsomes (Poster #)
Anne Milcamps – Validation of Endocrine Disrupter Assays at EURL ECVAM (Poster

Poster Session: 8b. In vitro COVID-19 research / Lung and cardiovascular models
Laure-Alix Clerbaux Intestinal Adverse Outcomes in COVID-19: Current evidence and Uncertainties using the Adverse Outcome Pathway Framework (Poster P-8b-2)