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Community of European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS) Disaster Risk Societies (DRS) – Scientific support to the Sendai Framework for Action (FWA) workshop

A series of virtual events are scheduled within CERIS, the Community of European Research and Innovation for Security, in the five Thematic Areas of the Security Research programme. CERIS is the continuation of the Community of Users, which DG HOME has been forming and animating since 2014, to disseminate research outputs and define research programming and capacity building programs.

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date:  10/03/2021



CERIS covers the five Thematic Areas of the Horizon Europe Civil Society for Security programme, namely Disaster-Resilient Societies (DRS), Fight against Crime and Terrorism (FCT), Infrastructure Protection (INFRA), Border Management (BM) and Strengthened Security Research and Innovation (SSRI). In the CERIS-DRS area, up to now three fruitful meetings were already held: on Societal Resilience (10 February), on Technologies for First Responders (24 February) and on science-policy interactions in support of the Sendai Framework for Action or FWA (10 March). 

This latest event covered the state of play of research outputs in support of Sendai by the presentation of a selection of Horizon 2020 SEC projects (DARWIN, BuilDERS, LINKS, ENGAGE, RESILOC, BeAWARE, ANYWHERE), which reported on their contributions to Sendai as well as the UCPM. DG HOME hosted the meeting and UN-DRR, E-STAG (European Science and Technology Advisory Group), ECHO and JRC participated as well, all agreeing on the need to ensure coordination and cooperation among all their respective initiatives in the framework of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network. The next CERIS-DRS event is scheduled for 30 March 2021 with a focus on climate extreme events. It will be followed by another event on 21 April 2021, when not only Knowledge Networks but also Networks of Practitioners and others, such as DRR Regional Platforms, will be discussed. Forthcoming events will focus on multi-hazards disaster risk management (5 May 2021), CBRN state of the Art Technology (19 May 2021), Standardisation (27-28 May 2021), DRS Information Day (14-15 June 2021) and National / Regional Community of Users (30 June 2021). A full-week CERIS-DRS event is scheduled for 27 September to 1 October 2021.