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ROADMAP project kick-off

Among the projects financed under the Knowledge Network Partnerships - 2020 call of DG ECHO, the 18 months-long project ROADMAP (EuRopean ObservAtory on Disaster risk and crisis MAnagement best Practices) was launched on 18 January 2021.

date:  18/01/2021



The main objective of the project is to establish a European “Doctrine on disaster risk and crisis management”, founded on the mutual cooperation between scientific communities and DRM authorities. The doctrine, intended as a shared understanding of disaster management between decision-makers and scientific actors, will be based on selected experiences, good practices and implemented solutions in EU Member States.

The good practices collection will be distilled in periodical bulletins dedicated to decision-makers and practitioners. Three thematic papers will be prepared on relevant themes in the DRM field. The selection of topics for the thematic papers and critical review of the already existing solutions will be achieved through synergistic interaction with a suitably established Advisory Group (AG), formed by experts both in science and decision-making in DRM. A vision paper for DG-ECHO will be also prepared, dealing with the disaster risk and crisis management doctrine and the needed applied research calls in this field.

The networking activities between the Project Consortium and the AG, will result in the establishment of a European observatory on disaster risk and crisis management good practices that could contribute to the forthcoming Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network.

The ROADMAP partners represent a combination of public and private institutions: Italian Department of Civil Protection (ICPD); consortium CI3R, project coordinator (including RELUIS, CIMA, EUCENTRE), University of Stavanger, Associacao para o desenvolvimento da aerodinamica industrial (ADAI).