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Special Edition of the
Flash News from the
Disaster Risk Management
Knowledge Centre

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Dear DRMKC Community Members,
Welcome to the Flash News special edition!

In this special edition, we shift our focus from the latest developments in disaster risk management to a comprehensive exploration of a crucial research question: How is knowledge about impacts and adaptation used at the territorial level? This edition does not refers about what knowledge is available and useful; it rather addresses how knowledge is created, disseminated, understood and applied.

This special edition tells us the story that innovation, technological developments and previous Research and Innovation (R&I) activities impact the readiness of territories in addressing climate change – while explaining how to best do it and why.

Technical and scientific knowledge alone, are not always sufficient to frame and address complex societal issues such as climate change. Considering the qualities of different institutions, the specificities of the territory and/or adopting a systemic approach are equally important. Strengthening partnerships for better data collection and analysis and a broad stakeholder’s involvement is also crucial. This includes also citizens as knowledge holders so that knowledge isn't simply transferred from experts to non-experts, but it is co-produced, enhancing the quality of science.

We also tackle challenges around knowledge creation and application like monitoring progresses, setting measurable objectives, and addressing gaps in knowledge and skills. To facilitate the uptake of knowledge, you will find suggestions on tools you can apply, such as communication networks or collaborative platforms.

Eager to know more? Each article will provide you with a lens to interpret these findings and offer actionable insights to bridge science and policy.  Let us know what you think about this Special Edition at

Main Highlights

How can a system change approach help accelerate Climate Change Adaptation?

Given the systemic nature of climate resilience, territories are looking at more systemic ways to address impacts of climate change. This paper argues that integrating Transformative Innovation (TI) into climate change adaptation (CCA) strategies would support regions towards the objective of the ‘transformative adaptation’ goal as outlined by the IPCC in 2022.


Climate neutrality: governance structures in urban areas

The article explores how European cities intend adjusting governance for climate action, emphasizing inclusive policies. It stresses targeted training in climate financing and planning. The importance of simplified methods for monitoring emissions, which rely on robust data collection and cooperation among stakeholders, was also emphasized.


Are EU regions ready to tackle climate change?

A recent study conducted by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with external experts has provided valuable insights in assessing science, technological innovation, and policy priorities geared towards tackling climate change.


Driving urban transport towards climate neutrality: a study of 362 cities on the path to zero emissions

This article examines how research and innovation activities enhance cities' climate preparedness in general and in the transport sector. Results show a strong link between cities' proximity to R&I clusters and their candidacy for the EU Mission on climate neutrality.


Citizen knowledge and engagement can enhance urban biodiversity, a pilot project in 10 European cities shows

"BiodiverCities" sheds light on citizen-led urban biodiversity efforts with its Atlas, revealing collaborative processes between citizens and public institutions. It provides insights for EU Missions, such as the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, stressing the crucial role of citizen engagement for the Green Deal success.


Covenant of Mayors: 2023 Assessment report

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is about to release its "Covenant of Mayors: 2023 Assessment" report, highlighting the pivotal role that local authorities play in Europe's efforts to achieve climate neutrality and build resilience. This report is particularly relevant to the EU Missions, offering actionable knowledge on the impacts of climate change and effective responses for mitigation and adaptation.


Additional Resources

Visions for climate neutrality and opportunities for co-learning in European cities

The paper "Visions for climate neutrality and opportunities for co-learning in European cities" provides a space for cities to share their pathways to climate neutrality. It advocates for co-learning opportunities that can benefit a wide range of urban areas, emphasizing collaborative knowledge exchange among cities.

Transitioning to climate neutrality in Europe: risks for cities

In the paper "On the risks associated with transitioning to climate neutrality in Europe: A city perspective" cities express the need for knowledge support in managing a variety of risks (including organisational, operational, financial, and social risks) during their climate transition. This report highlights the essential role of targeted assistance and best practices in risk mitigation.

ACTIONbook: Innovation for place-based transformations

The recently published ActionBook on innovation for place-based transformation provides a detailed guide for advancing systems change at territorial levels. It includes guidelines, a collection of practices and tools for action, such as ways to improve multi-level governance and horizontal coordination relevant for climate adaptation, a taxonomy for sustainable activities, or ways to improve stakeholder engagement.

Cost-effective adaptation strategies to rising river flood risk in Europe

Effective adaptation strategies are crucial to reduce flood hazard and manage their consequences. The article “Cost-effective adaptation strategies to rising river flood risk in Europe” looks at four adaptation measures’ costs and benefits in support of EU Climate and Regional policy.

Economic impacts of climate change on EU agriculture: will the farmers benefit from global climate change?

This study examines the potential impact of climate change on EU agricultural markets by mid-century, considering various climate projections and market adjustments. Results suggest the farming sector in certain EU regions may gain an advantage from climate change in 2050, as important agricultural production regions outside EU are expected to face comparatively more severe negative productivity impacts. Moreover, findings suggest the heterogeneity of climate change impacts between Northern and Southern Europe and the importance of market and trade adjustments as adaptation mechanisms to climate change.

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