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This week Copernicus Mapping

Rapid mapping has been activated -in cooperation with the International Charter- for the Nyiragongo volcano eruption (DR Congo).

Next week GHSL

  1. Delivery of a built-up map of Papua New Guinea based on Sentinel-2 and Planet data to support census preparations

  2. 1st June: participation in 1st meet of boundaries harmonization project-technical stakeholders of Popgrid. Sergio Freire

This week GHSL

GHSL is invited to contribute to the UN-Habitat flagship report ‘State of the World Cities’ to be published in 2022 with JRC.E6 and REGIO


  1. 25.05. Meeting with the Brazilian Space Agency (INPE) on bilateral collaboration in the context of the EU-LAC on wildfire monitoring and management.

  2. 26.05. 3rd Meeting of the JRC's EU-LAC project with Commission services, EU Delegations and fire management agencies of countries in South America..

  3. 28.05 1st meeting of the CEOS Wildfire Pilot project on satellite monitoring of wildfires, including a major contribution from GWIS.

Next week DRMKC

3 June
4th meeting of the DRMKC Steering Group with the premiere presentation of a World Bank-ECHO study on “The Economics of Prevention and Preparedness”

This week DRMKC

27, 28 May 2021
DRMKC attending the “Remote live training - Transboundary Crisis Management – a practical course for managers on how to respond effectively in crisis - learning from COVID-19 " organized by SecGen