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The last BLSI Newsletter

The BLSI Newsletter becomes part of the Interoperable Europe Newsletter

date:  03/07/2024


Dear BLSI community member, 

We are excited to announce an important update regarding our newsletter!  

As of July 5th, the BLSI Newsletter will become part of the Interoperable Europe Newsletter.  

The Interoperable Europe Newsletter is a monthly edition prepared by our team at DG DIGIT, offering stories, interviews, news, and events about digital government and interoperability in the European public sector and beyond.  

Joining forces with the wider Interoperable Europe community is only logical, as we are all part of the Interoperable Europe team working towards achieving better public services for all in Europe. With this change, our aim is to provide you with an even more comprehensive overview of the latest developments in public sector interoperability and digital government. We strive to streamline the flow of information and enhance your reading experience with a richer, more diverse set of updates each month.  


What does this mean for you?  

  • You will continue receiving news from us, but from the Interoperable Europe email address.

  • You will receive the Interoperable Europe Newsletter, which will include the content you value, along with additional insights and news from the broader public sector interoperability community.

  • Your current subscription to the BLSI Newsletter will automatically transition to the Interoperable Europe Newsletter. 


What if you prefer not to transition?  

We understand that preferences vary, and we respect your choice. If you do not wish to be included in the Interoperable Europe Newsletter mailing list, you can easily unsubscribe after receiving the first email.  

We hope you will join us in embracing this new, unified newsletter format. Our goal is to continue delivering valuable content that supports your interest in digital-ready policymaking and interoperability in the public sector.  

Thank you for your continued support and readership.  


Kind regards,   

The Digital-ready Policymaking team