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Global Geospatial Insights and Open Data Innovation: Insights from September webinars

In September, the data.europa Academy hosted two insightful sessions, engaging over 875 registrants who explored the topics of emerging geospatial trends and advancements in cyber and digital skills together with experts. The first session, titled ‘Emerging Geospatial Trends 2024: Opportunities for in the Era of Digital Twins’, gave participants a deep understanding of geospatial digital twins and examples of their real-world applications. The second session, ‘Beyond Europe: Global Perspectives on Open Data Excellence’, featured speakers from The Global Data Barometer and The World Bank, offering insights into successful international open data initiatives.

BDTI building synergies with URBREATH

URBREATH project aims to integrate transformative technical and nature-based solutions by leveraging community participation, Local Digital Twins, and AI technologies. BDTI is proud to collaborate with URBREATH to achieve these goals.

Dear readers,

And just like that, September ends. Was it a blur for you, too?

Data story: Exploring hydrogen trough open data

What does open data reveal about renewable hydrogen? A new data story from reveals how hydrogen is used across different sectors and countries in Europe, highlighting its potential for the European Green Deal under the EU’s Hydrogen strategy.

Dear readers,

Welcome to another edition of the BDTI Kitchen. We hope you’ve had the right balance of productivity and rest so far this summer. As we all know, August tends to send us all into go-slow mode, but nothing about July has been slow for the BDTI team!

New tools added to the BDTI service offering

The team are excited to welcome four new open-source data analysis tools to the BDTI tech stack. QGIS (Quantum GIS), an open-source Geographic Information System; VS Code R extension with robust support for R programming; VS Code Python extension is a powerful tool with robust support for Python development; and Doccano, an open-source annotation tool for text data, designed to facilitate the creation of labelled datasets for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Read more below.

Italy Highlights Open Source's Key Role in Public Service Digitalisation

The Agency for Digital Italy (Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, AGID) has updated the strategy for public administration digitalisation for 2024-2026. The latest Three-Year Plan for Information Technology in Public Administration, published in early 2024, strengthens the guidelines for interoperability.

Solution of the month - June 2024

Diia is developed by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, it is an app with access to citizen’s digital documents and government services. The application was created so that Ukrainians could interact with the state in a few clicks. Administrations can reuse the source code of this app as they long as they subscribe to the licensing agreement.

Dutch Government Publishes the second part of DigiD’s Source Code

In a move to enhance transparency and promote an open government, the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations has released the second part of DigiD’s app Source Code. This decision follows a request made under the Open Government Act (Woo) in 2022, aiming to make the inner workings of the DigiD system available to the public.

New collaboration between Commit Global and Germany's Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The "Digital Infrastructure for Humanitarian Assistance" project was officially launched at the German Embassy in Bucharest, bolstered by a €1.35 million commitment from Germany's Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This initiative, spearheaded by Code for Romania in partnership with Commit Global, seeks to create a global platform to enhance the delivery of humanitarian aid during crises.

Overview of EU legislation on free and open source software

There has been a lot of digital regulation created in the EU in the past three years. Some of these texts include clarifications that certain obligations, in certain situations, do not apply to free and open source software (FOSS). With this legislative cycle ending, and with many public sector entities looking to the European Union for guidance or inspiration, we've decided to gather the most recent texts which deal with defining FOSS in legislation.

Dear readers,

Welcome to the June edition of the BDTI Kitchen Baking Data newsletter.

Revolutionising Public Services: Inspiration from BDTI Pilots

Public administrations can now easily see how others have used BDTI, providing inspiration for their own pilots. Access to these pilot factsheets helps illustrate the practical benefits of data-informed decision-making in the public sector. Learning from the experiences of others can lead to new ideas and initiatives.