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October Newsletter: Digital Policy Digest: Stay Informed with Our Newsletter

Dear BLSI Community member,

date:  13/10/2023

Welcome to our October Newsletter! This month has been bursting as never before with important news and events.

News around our September’s BLSI virtual breakfast: check the key takeaways, along with the video of the session that took place on 22 September “September 2023 BLSI virtual breakfast | Digital-Ready Drafting: Strategies and Considerations”. More news regarding the SEMIC 2023 & the SEMIC Pre-Conference Workshops, are included in this edition!

October’s events are just around the corner. The Digital Deep Dives Series meeting of the DIGITALEUROPE, on “How to design a successful European Payments market?” will occur on 25 October with an online event. Furthermore, on 27 October, the Webinar on review of Core Vocabularies will make its appearance.

November is full of events as well! During the 8th, the International AI Summit will take place online and in-person, in Brussels, Belgium. The 9th is the day for the Introducing CAMSS: An overview of the context, purpose and benefits of the CAMSS solutions. On 20-21 do not forget to attend the CRCL23: Computational ‘law’ on edge ▪ COHUBICOL. On 21 November, do not miss the OSOR celebrates 15 Years of Open Source Advancement in Public Services with a Conference.


This is all for this month’s news and events! As always, please do not hesitate to get involved via our BLSI JoinUp page 


Kind regards, 

The Digital Ready Policymaking Team