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Coming to you this Autumn!

This autumn, we have a lineup of events that you will not want to miss:

date:  19/07/2023

The Publishing of an Issue Paper on Regulatory Reporting Principles Put into Practice

Our upcoming paper will expand on our previous work on regulatory reporting principles, operationalising them and providing a guided approach to their application. 

BLSI Webinar on Digital-Ready Legal Drafting

Learn the tricks of digitally ready legal drafting by exploring best practices and actual examples. This webinar will be the ideal opportunity for members of our community to sharpen their legal drafting skills for the digital era. 

SEMIC Conference

Are you passionate about AI, semantics, interoperability, and the digitalisation of public services? Good news! Our Unit has announced SEMIC2023 on October 18th in Madrid! In particular, the workshop on AI in digital-ready policy design and legal drafting will explore how tools powered by AI technologies can support policymakers in their digital-ready policy journey. The workshop will highlight tools such as the Policy Screening Prototype (SeTA), and smart functionalities for legal drafting (LEOS).  

Register now at 

Stay tuned for more information and dates as these exciting events approach!