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Contributing to the “Digital Response to COVID-19” Collection

date:  29/04/2020

Dear Joinupers,

With your help we can now support Public Administrations, businesses and citizens tackle the COVID-19 crisis via a new Joinup collection Digital Response to COVID-19 .

We have put together Events, Open Source solutions, Open Data, Information and many other resources to cover issues ranging from public health, education, e-events, hackathons and more.

And we need you to keep it growing and to enrich these resources for the benefit of all.

Here are a couple of easy steps you could take right now to have your COVID-related content appear in this Collection:

Add your Joinup Solutions

As Solution owners/facilitators, you can include your Solutions by adding the keyword “covid” (without the quotes). To do so, edit your Solution, go to the “Additional fields” tab, and add the keyword in the corresponding field.

Add your Joinup Solutions

After it’s published, your Solution will appear in the Collection’s Already on Joinup section.

Share your Joinup Collection’s or Solution’s News, Events, Documents, Discussions etc.

As Collection or Solution owners/facilitators, you can share your community items via the “SHARE” option which is present either at the bottom of each item’s content page or in its tile’s menu. This option will display a popup window in which you should select the “Digital Response to COVID-19” entry.

Share your Joinup Collection’s or Solution’s News, Events, Documents, Discussions etc.

IMPORTANT: You must be a member of the Collection in order to have it appear in the “SHARE” popup window. If you aren’t, use the Collection’s “JOIN THIS COLLECTION” button.

Afterwards, your community item(s) will appear in the Collection’s Overview page.

Your help here is crucial, so check out this evolving Collection and contribute by using the methods outlined above. It’s time to put our love of technology into action and aid those in need.


Stay safe!

The Joinup Team