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Building the Standardisation Training Academy - Experiences and lessons learned from Standardisation Training in Europe

Do not miss the opportunity to receive support from the European Commission for your project’s standardisation activities. Learn more at the upcoming online workhsop.

date:  08/09/2022

Dear beneficiary,

As part of the EU Strategy on Standardisation, the EU Standardisation Booster ( is providing expert support to EU projects to help them increase impact and exploitation of project results by contributing to the creation or revision of standards.

Standardisation and standards can be valuable means for transfer, commercialisation, and valorisation of research results of the EC funded H2020 and Horizon Europe projects. However, processes of standardisation and activities of research projects have different dynamics, and general awareness of standardisation among researchers is low. The EU Standardisation Booster is organizing a workshop aiming to gather academia, standardisation professionals, and experts to discuss their experiences and lesson learned in standardisation training. Furthermore, this workshop will raise the question of serving the needs of EU projects in training standardisation skills – what skills are needed and how they can be improved.

[Find out more and register here

[NOTE - The HS Booster targets Horizon 2020 (closed & ongoing projects) and Horizon Europe projects.]

Online workshop 27st September 2022, 11:00 – 13:00.

Best regards

Unit Valorisation Policies & IPR

DG Research & Innovation

European Commission