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Join us on the European Commission’s Horizon Results Platform to boost your company’s visibility!

Join the European Commission’s free of charge Platform to improve your company’s visibility, enjoy access to free services offered by the European Commission and further matchmaking opportunities!

date:  29/06/2022

Dear Participants of the WomenTechEU programme,

We reach out to you today to congratulate you once more on your success, and to invite you to use a free-of-charge tool -  the Horizon Results Platform (HRP), the official European Commission Platform for helping promote its funded Research and Innovation results.

Using the HRP will provide your projects / companies visibility and access to various free services such as matchmaking and pitching events organised by the HRP and/or by its partners. HRP is a public Platform and we have been promoting it to various stakeholders, including Private Investors, Intellectual Property Experts, Technology Transfer Officers, Advisors of the Enterprise Europe Network, and many more.

One example of a successful Woman Entrepreneur featuring on the Horizon Results Platform is the CEO of KITRO. She was selected among several companies to participate in a recently held  e-pitching event organised by the HRP and one of our partners, the European Business Angels Network (EBAN).

HRP currently promotes over 2.100 innovative solutions and the HRP TV provides additional expert guidance to facilitate the valorisation of these solutions.

The Horizon Results Platform

Uploading your results can be done easily via the My Projects section of the Funding and Tenders Portal using your EU Login credentials. Under the relevant project, click on Actions-> “Project Results” and then click the “Add” button on the top right. Detailed instructions can be found here.

You will see in the instructions above, that there is a field called ‘Tags/Keywords’ to be filled. For us to make sure to identify your result profiles, please include the precise keywordWomentechEU” in this field.


Once uploaded, you may update your result profiles whenever necessary, according to changes in the progress of your organisations and products.

For any questions uploading your result, please contact