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We need your help to improve the Portal services

You are a beneficiary of the Portal, we want to hear from you.

date:  25/05/2022

Image by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.

Dear User of the Portal, 

In the context of Funding and Tenders (FT) Portal, the European Commission has embarked on an exploratory exercise to improve the Portal services. Your entity is among those which receives the most grants or contracts in the Portal, and for this reason you are receiving this message. We want to have a conversation with you, beyond the standard quality survey to make the right decisions for a more attractive and intuitive Portal. Your feedback is central to this exercise and will help us in our efforts to continuously improve. In parallel, we have launched a general survey in the News section of the FT Portal’s main landing page. This general survey is open to any user.

“How can you support us in this exercise?”  

We hereby kindly ask you if you would be willing to join us for a 1-hour (estimation) online fish-bowl format exchange about the Portal with us and 9 other representatives of the most-granted and contracted entities. Both the general survey in the Portal and this exchange will be a further step towards tailored solutions and more ergonomic services.

We truly thank you for taking the time to be part of this potential 360 degree transformation. Your name will not be disclosed publicly, nor will your feedback be used for purposes beyond the scope of this feedback exercise. 

Which of the following weeks would you be available? We kindly ask you to fill in the survey below. Please select your preferred week and date before the 2nd of June.

EUSurvey - Survey (

*Please note that if availability to be interviewed is high, we may not be able to interview everybody.

Kind regards,

The Portal team