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Happy 2022 and our upcoming HRP events for you

Wishing you an innovative and successful New Year!

date:  17/01/2022

2022: An exciting agenda to increase the visibility of your R&I research results

Some of the events at which selected beneficiaries will pitch their result:

  • 15 March: European Business Angels Network & HRP
  • 30 March: Business Angels Europe & HRP
  • June 2022: EU R&I Days
    • Beneficiaries: Make sure your profile is up-to-date on HRP!

    Initiatives to promote your results and provide D&E services

  • Ongoing collaboration with key networks:
    • EEN – Enterprise Europe Network
      • A network of new partners, contacts and events, bringing more outreach, visibility, services and expertise for you.
    • SIF – Solar Impulse Foundation
  • Communication
    • HRP TV – videos with expert D&E guidance and inspiring stories of success
  • HRP now welcomes DG MARE EMFF – European Maritime & Fisheries Fund – results onto the platform and there will be other programmes added this year.
  • Our HRP Quality Assurance campaign will continue to ensure the research results on HRP present their latest developments.


Please reach out to us if any questions,

                 Georgios Lyssandrides, Team Leader & the Horizon Results Platform Team

                 DG Research & Innovation, GH6 - Common Data and Knowledge Management Service
