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New mandatory components step in the Drupal pipeline

From 1 November a new step in the Drupal pipeline will enforce the activation of all components currently marked as mandatory in all the websites hosted in DIGIT infrastructure. Developers need to integrate the mandatory components on their sites as soon as possible to avoid deployments block, as it will not be possible to bypass the step. See the list of mandatory components. 

date:  13/10/2021

Mandatory components as of 1 November 2021: 

  • drupal/dropsolid_purge (Drupal 8)
  • drupal/nexteuropa_dashboard_agent (Drupal 7)
  • Drupal/redis (Drupal 8)
  • Drupal/redirect (Drupal 8)
  • openeuropa/oe_dashboard_agent (Drupal 8)

Future mandatory modules will be announced one month in advance to allow developers to integrate them on their sites to comply with the quality assurance standards of the DIGIT Drupal hosting infrastructure. The coverage of the component-check step will be gradually extended to include modules coming from other sources than  

New changes in the Drupal pipeline entering in force on 1 November will also provide reports of outdated, insecure and recommended modules. From November to December the module inventory will be updated to ensure no insecure or outdated modules are whitelisted in the pipeline. 


If you need support regarding the integration of the mandatory modules, please open a ticket on the Quality Assurance Jira board.