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Pipeline improvements and changes as of August

All Drupal sites developers are required to apply the necessary measures to avoid their projects block in the Drupal pipeline due to new improvements entering in force in August and September. See the detail of the modifications and their starting dates.

date:  25/06/2021

Key dates in 2021 – be aware of what is coming:

  • 1 August       
    • Toolkit 8.x available 
    • end of support for PHP 5.6 
    • Drupal 9 code compatibility check mandatory (bypass possible)
  • 1 September– Toolkit 8 mandatory for all Drupal 8 and 9 websites 
  • 15 October –  Drupal 8 blocker step (bypass possible)
  • 1 November
    • Drupal 9 compatibility check mandatory without bypass 
    • Drupal 8 blocker step (no bypass possible, EOL of Drupal 8)

Below you can find the details of the planned changes.

Release of major version of Toolkit (8.x)  

The new Toolkit version will be available from 1 August and includes:  

  • composer 2 compatibility
  • Drupal 9.x versions compatibility
  • update of packages:
    • phppro/grumphp: v1.3.3 
    • phpunit/phpunit:^9.2.6 
    • squizlabs/php_codesniffer:^3.6.0 
    • drupal/coder:^8.3.13 
  • new optional check toolkit: test-phpunit 
  • optional toolkit: test-behat execution using gnu parallel  
  • alignment of Gitlab CI aligned with Drone to add missing steps
  • generic improvements and bug fixes 

The update to version 8.x of toolkit will be manual and mandatory from 1 September and enforced in the CI/CD. The update will force the usage of PHP 7.3+ and Composer 2.   

Drupal 9 compatibility  

The step d9-compatibility currently in report mode for new pull-requests will become blocker to raise awareness in the project status regarding the need of Drupal 9 code compatibility. Developers will be able to bypass the check until 1 November

From 15 October, a new blocker step will be inserted for all Drupal 8 sites. It will block deployment of Drupal 8 sites with possibility of bypass in order to raise awareness of the need to upgrade to Drupal 9. From 1 December, no new deployments for Drupal 8 sites will be possible: sites will need to upgrade to Drupal 9 in order to proceed with a deployment. 

PHP 5.6 and Next Europa platform 2.5  

They will not be supported by CI/CD  from 1 August, therefore, all projects should update to a minimum version of PHP 7.3 and Next Europa platform 2.6. 


NOTE: this information was published on the Europa IT platform newsletter issued on 29 June 2021.