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Horizon Results Platform – Anouncement of launch

date:  05/12/2019

Dear Research Framework Programme Participant,

You receive this message because your project was part of the Pilot for the Horizon Results Platform. We thank you again for uploading your results!

As you may have noticed, the Platform is now open to all projects under FP7 and Horizon 2020. This means that you can upload the results from all your projects!

Moreover, you can now manage the results on your own and publish them directly without having to submit them for validation.

Please be aware that, based on the feedback we received during the last two months, we introduced one new mandatory field called “Related EC Policy Area”. We would urge you to edit your results and link them to up to three related policy areas from the proposed list.

Another novelty is that we introduce and stress the concept of a Key Exploitable Result (see end of this message). We would strongly encourage you to revise some of the results that do not fit this concept.

We have also published an updated online guide that explains how to create results, as well as all the novelties mentioned above.

Finally, one strong recommendation:
Create and link to videos in your result profile (“Video” field in the form)!

Our experience in presenting the Platform to various stakeholders in the last two months is that making a succinct and punchy video makes you result much more attractive and visible. As we indicated in the iHelp, if you do not have videos, please save a PowerPoint presentation as a video file, publish it on YouTube or Vimeo, and link it to your result profile in the platform. 

Meanwhile, we are always open to your feedback and suggestions at:

Horizon Results Platform team
The common data and knowledge management service

According to the Horizon 2020 text, a result is defined as: "Any tangible or intangible output of the action, such as data, knowledge and information whatever their form or nature, whether or not they can be protected, which are generated in the action as well as any attached rights, including intellectual property rights".

Key Exploitable Result (KER) is an identified main interesting result (as defined above) which has been selected and prioritised due to its high potential to be "exploited" – meaning to make use of and derive benefits from - downstream the value chain of a product, process or solution, or act as an important input to policy, further research or education.

In order for you to select and prioritise your results, we would recommend that you use the following criteria:

a. degree of innovation
b. exploitability
c. impact

Results such as "outcomes or announcements of consortia meetings, conferences or other events" are not considered as KERs and therefore are not in the scope of the Horizon Results Platform.

"Project deliverables" are not necessarily Key Exploitable Results either and it is not the purpose of the Horizon Results Platform to be the reporting tool to the Project Officer.