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date:  23/11/2018

Dear Sir, Madam,

We are contacting you in the context of a study regarding the modernization and future evolution of the COMREF environment. In this context, we are developing an overview of the dependencies between client/source systems and COMREF and the different use cases for COMREF data usage/sharing.

We have prepared a short (2 minute) survey to capture your view on the topic so it can be included in the conclusions and future vision of COMREF. Depending on whether your system is a data source for COMREF or a consumer of the data in COMREF, we have prepared a different survey. We are aware that some systems have a dual role, being both a source of COMREF data as a consumer. In this case, we would like to ask you to complete the survey twice, once for the source role and once for the consumer role.

The survey for clients can be found at the following location:

The survey for sources can be found at the following location:

We would like to ask to complete this survey by November 30th at the latest as the analysis of the results will start at that moment.

Thank you in advance for your collaboration and best regards,

The COMREF team