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Commissioner Gabriel experienced the digital workplace in the Black Pearl building

Commissioner Gabriel made a tour and met with staff members in DIGIT's headquarters Black Pearl - an example of a modern office design and digital workplace which allows more flexibility and collaboration in open space.

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date:  06/03/2018


The Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel and her team visited different open spaces in the Black Pearl, including the well-connected meeting rooms and social corners, decorated by DIGIT staff. After the tour, she met with DIGIT management and staff to discuss how digital technologies transform the traditional way of working and contribute to a better work-life balance.




''When you need to concentrate on a project you can choose to work from home but you are still connected to your team via video-conference on your laptop'', shared Blandine Lerch, newly appointed Head of Unit of Networks and Telecommunications in Luxembourg.





''We can work from home and stay closer to our family. It is no longer necessary to be physically present in office. However, this concept warrants a different mindset from team leaders and managers'', highlighted Philippe van Damme, Director for Digital Workplace and Infrastructure who demonstrated the unified communication tools. 




DIGIT priorities for 2018 were also discussed. One of them is about helping public administrations in the Member States offer better digital services to citizens. This cannot be achieved without modernising the administration of the EU institutions.  "Public administration is a catalyst - deploying new technologies can also provide better services to citizens'', said the new Director for Digital Services Emanuele Baldacci. 


Cyber security is another important prerequisite for the digital workplace to happen. ''Big data is everywhere now and the cyber attacks get more sophisticated. We have to adapt and respond to the new challenges'', highlighted Ken Ducatel, Director for Security in DIGIT.


Commissioner Gabriel thanked DIGIT management and staff for their hard work in bringing the digital workplace to the Commission and leading the way to a more digitized public administration.