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Invitations to Webinar "2-Factor authentication in the Funding & Tender Portal"

date:  14/05/2020

Dear Funding & Tenders Portal Users,
On Wednesday 20 May 2020, from 11.00  to 12.00, we will host our webinar on "2-Factor authentication in the Funding & Tender Portal".  This will be a good occasion to learn more about the 2-Factor authentication feature and its functioning.
You will find attached the webinar agenda, technical guidance for joining the webinar (internet access and Chrome or Firefox as browser are required) and Poll questions to answer via SLIDO.
Please be aware that the number of participants for the webinar is limited and registrations will be approved on a first-come, first-serve basis.

                                                                   REGISTER NOW

Yours sincerely,
Head of Unit
European Commission

DG Research & Innovation
Directorate B – Common Implementation Centre (CIC)
B3 - Common service for business processes
ORBN 05/124
1049 Brussels/Belgium