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REMINDER – Horizon Results Platform – Time is running out! Deadline is midnight 16 Sept GMT+2

date:  13/09/2019

Dear Research Framework Programme Participant,
We would like to thank those of you who have already submitted their results.
For those who still have results in “Draft”, please go back to the F&T Portal and click “SUBMIT” before the deadline. We are not authorised to publish your results unless you do this!
For those of you who have somehow missed our initial announcement on the launch of the Horizon Results Platform, please read below:
The Horizon Results Platform provides you with a free, online space where you can advertise the results of your projects to those audiences you want to attract or to share your achievements with.
You can have an online profile for each of your results ready in a matter of minutes!
Just provide an appropriate ‘title’, a quick punchy ‘message to your potential audience’, select your ‘type of result’ from a dropdown list, select a few appropriate ‘keywords’, indicate your ‘target audiences’ and ‘needs’ from the available fields, and you are good to go!   We do encourage you to enrich each of your result profiles, by linking to (sales-pitch-style) videos, to your Innovation Radar assessment (if applicable), to testimonials and references and other elements to convey to your target audiences, such as whether your result influences or should be influencing policy-making, whether you are looking for partners, investments, legal assistance in IPR, how ready you are for investors, etc.
Use the relevant fields in the submission form to help those you seek to come to you!
We will officially launch the Platform on 24 September 2019 during the ‘European R&I Days’ event. Your live result profiles will be accessible to some expected 4,500 visitors throughout the event!
To start creating your results, go to the Funding & Tenders Portal ‘My Projects’ and look for your projects highlighted in bold. Then click on the Action button and select ‘Project_Results’ in the menu. Then simply click on 'Create Result' and introduce all the information you would like to share. 
Please pay attention when filling the online result form! Make sure you fill it in the sequence as it appears online, as there are dependencies: Depending on the choice of your ‘Result_Type’ and ‘Target_Audience’ you will see different ‘Needs’ and other data to fill in. 
You will be able to ‘Save’, ‘Preview’ and ‘Submit’ your results up until the deadline by the midnight of 16 September, Central European Time (GMT+2). Please make sure you read and accept the supplementary Terms and Conditions associated with the Horizon Results Platform when submitting your results for publication.
We look forward to making the Horizon Results Platform a valuable tool for you in your endeavours to make your results matter!
In case of questions you can reach us by email: 
-  for business questions: 
- for technical questions:
The Funding & Tenders Portal Team
The Common Data and Knowledge Management Service