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Stronger together in the World of Cyber: the EU Institutions and Agencies kick off the European Cyber Security Month on 4 October

How are EU organisations cooperating to better fight cybercrime? How are they promoting the ECSM's objectives of cyber security awareness and education? How do these bodies ensure cyber culture is embedded in their staff’s daily work practices? These are some of the key questions that will be asked in a special panel organised to kick-off the Cyber Security Month within the European Institutions context.

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date:  27/09/2018

The European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) is an EU awareness campaign that promotes cyber security among citizens and organisations highlighting the importance of information security and advertising the simple steps that can be taken to protect their private data. Its main goals are to raise awareness, change behaviour and provide resources to the general public about how to protect themselves online. In the Commission the celebration of the ECSM is orchestrated by the Cyber Aware Programme, our internal programme for raising the awareness of all Commission staff in the field of cyber security and cyber hygiene, promoting good practices for staff to stay safe online

On 4 October, we kick off the European Cyber Security Month together with other European Institutions and Agencies during  a lunch debate session with representatives from the signatory bodies of the MoU between ENISA, CERT-EU - the Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU Institutions, bodies and agencies, Europol's European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) and the European Defence Agency (EDA). The debate will focus on the importance of collaboration, training, education and awareness raising in the field of cyber security. Participants will get tips on how to remain secure online from some of the best cyber security professionals in Europe .

The event will be opened with a message from EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and an introduction by Carl-Christian Buhr, her Deputy Head of Cabinet. The panel will be introduced and chaired by Despina Spanou, Director in DG CNECT with the following panelists:

  • Ken Ducatel, Acting Head of CERT-EU, Director IT Security in DIGIT
  • Philipp Amann, Head of EC3 Strategy
  • Demosthenes Ikonomou, Head of Operational Security Unit, ENISA
  • Chris Stace, Head of the Information Superiority Unit, EDA
You are invited to join this kick off in the European Committee of the Regions (COR), Jacques Delors (JDE) Building, rue Belliard 99-101, room JDE 52 (5th floor), 12.30 -14.00 - please arrive at 12.15 for security check at the building entrance. Registration is required by 27 September - or follow via webstreaming.
The event is open to participants from outside the Commission, feel free to share the information and promote the event.


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