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Europe has once again been rocked by a series of terrorist attacks. Recent attacks in Austria, France and Germany show that the threat from violent Islamist extremism remains. While COVID-19 infection rates continue to rise and Europe finds itself once again in lockdown, the work of first-line practitioners in tackling all forms of violent extremism has never been more important. In such unprecedented times, this work has never been more difficult. However, there are reasons for hope.

date:  01/12/2020

In the latest RAN Spotlight publication we featured the first in a series of programmes which explored the impact of COVID-19 on the P/CVE environment in Europe. In this issue of the RAN Update we feature the second and third programmes in this series which explore how we can overcome some of these challenges. Meanwhile, given the background of the perpetrator of the terrorist attack in Vienna the topic of rehabilitation has been brought sharply into focus. In this issue of the RAN Update we look at how RAN is addressing the topic.