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RAN Collection

RAN is updating the RAN Collection, which consists of over 200 inspiring practices in the field of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE). Experts from the RAN expert pool will review existing practices to categorise them as either ‘best’ or ‘inspiring’ practices.

date:  11/06/2020

This review will be based on a set of criteria, including the success of the practice and the methodology and approach taken. In 2020, RAN will invite 35 practices to be reviewed on a voluntary basis. The reviews will not be published.

The RAN Collection consists of over 200 inspiring practices in the field of P/CVE and should be considered as a practical, evolving and growing tool, where first-line practitioners may draw inspiration, find examples adaptable to their specific context, and identify counterparts to exchange experiences.

Starting in 2020, the RAN Collection will be updated and restructured in alignment with RAN’s strategic orientation. The update process will focus on the following three steps:

  1. Creation of an archive for practices that have not been updated recently, to ensure an up-to-date RAN Collection online;
  2. An expert review of a selection of practices by experts from RAN’s expert pool, to support first-line practitioners with the professionalisation of their practices;
  3. The continuous inclusion of new practices focused on key themes in the field of P/CVE.

The expert review

In addition to the upgraded online display and a new categorisation into key P/CVE themes, the Collection will start to differentiate between ‘inspiring’ and ‘best’ practices. The aim is to raise awareness about the increasing necessity of evaluating P/CVE interventions.

A number of existing practices in the Collection will be selected to receive an expert review and will be labelled as ‘best’ practice. The review will focus on elements such as success factors, mechanisms and the methodology of each approach. This review is voluntary and will not be published. The other existing and new practices will be labelled as ‘inspiring’ and will be considered for expert review in the future.

In collaboration with the practice owners, an eligible expert from the RAN expert pool will review the practice.

Criteria for selection

The selection of practices that will be invited for the expert review is based on quality, taking into consideration a balanced geographical spread of practices throughout the EU and a balance in practices focusing on primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.

  • Primary prevention is targeted at whole population groups or everyone within a broad category of P/CVE.
  • Secondary prevention is targeted at defined groups at risk of radicalisation/violent extremism and/or prone to committing criminal/terrorist acts.
  • Tertiary prevention is directed toward radicalised individuals or problem groups and individuals who demonstrate problematic behaviour for a violent extremism cause.

This year’s expert review will focus on key themes (see below) in P/CVE in alignment with the 2020 strategic orientations of the coordinated EU approach on preventing radicalisation.

In 2020, RAN will invite 35 practices to be reviewed on a voluntary basis. The first selection of these practices will be made on the following basis:

  • The selected practice shows a clear link with the following key themes in the field of P/CVE:
    • Islamist Extremism
    • Violent Right-Wing Extremism
    • Foreign Terrorist Fighters
    • Prison & Probation
    • Restorative Justice

Additional criteria:

  • The practice is still running*
  • It was last updated in the RAN Collection in 2018 or 2019 to ensure a list with the most recent best practices
  • It has been monitored and evaluated to some degree already

*Some practices in the RAN Collection are no longer running as they were ‘short-term interventions’. Some of these practices can be excellent examples of P/CVE interventions and an exception can be made regarding this criterion.

Find out more

Check out more than 200 inspiring practices here.

If you have any questions about the RAN Collection, please contact Fenna Keijzer or Sophie Scheuble