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Upcoming events

date:  11/06/2020

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, all remaining Working Group meetings scheduled to take place in June will be held online. We will be planning the activities for the next few months in the coming weeks and will make an announcement in the next newsletter.

JUNE 2020

Ethics for mental health workers in the prevention of radicalisation

RAN Mental Health

16-17 June 2020

This meeting will explore the different mental health settings across Europe and provide tangible ways to exchange relevant information and guidance on ethical guidelines.

Practical know-how on violent right-wing extremism (VRWE) for the police


18 June 2020

This meeting will provide police officers with basic know-how on how police can contribute to prevent and counter VRWE providing insight on how VRWE manifests itself and what the police responses could be. The meeting is for police officers only.

Families ‘left behind’ by FTFs

RAN Families, Communities and Social Care

29-30 June 2020

This meeting will explore how family, community and social care workers can better support the families ‘left behind’ by FTFs, dealing with loss, grief, trauma, and stigmatisation.

RAN Rehabilitation Manual


30 June 2020

This meeting will share the key findings of the upcoming ‘RAN Rehabilitation Manual’, including challenges and recommendations regarding the rehabilitation process, while drawing on a practitioner’s perspective from a national context.