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Violent right-wing extremism in focus, May 2020

Spotlight is a new publication for the RAN’s network of practitioners, designed to give you, the people on the frontline in communities, in schools, prisons, online and elsewhere, the opportunity to share your insights and your stories about the work that you do to tackle the violent extremism challenges in Europe today.

date:  04/06/2020

Each edition of Spotlight will focus on a new topic. In May – the first in the series of quarterly publications – we take a look at the topic of violent right-wing extremism (VRWE), how the challenge has evolved, the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on their ability to radicalise and recruit and some of the work being done to address it.

This publication does not provide the definitive or complete view of the topic. Instead, it shines a spotlight on different aspects of the topic and showcases the work of practitioners in a way that we hope will capture your attention and encourage you to discover more about the topic through the insightful and detailed papers produced by the RAN and its practitioners in recent months and years.


RAN Brochure - Violent right-w...
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