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RAN RVT VIII International Congress for the Victims of Terrorism (Nice, 21-23 November)

The VIIIth edition of the International Congress for Victims of Terrorism, organised by AfVT and the city of Nice, in partnership with RAN RVT, and under the High Patronage of French President Emmanuel Macron, focused on the testimonies of victims and numerous round tables.

date:  12/12/2019

The following topics were addressed:

  • The evolution of the terrorist threat
  • The role of victims in the prevention of radicalisation
  • Dealing with victims of terrorism: the role of states
  • Territorial declination of accompaniment for victims of terrorism
  • Specific accompaniment of child and teenager victims of terrorism
  • The specific case of carers and first responders
  • Victims recognition and remembrance

The two main outcomes of the roundtables are summarised below.

First, victims expressed the need for an understanding of the political discourse around terrorism, policy developments and a need to be included in counter-terrorist discussions.

Second, the role of Member States and local authorities in supporting victims of terrorism was addressed. Several national and local representatives discussed the strategies in place to support victims on the short, mid- and long term.

The panels delved deep into the issues of child victims of terrorism and support for first responders and practitioners. For instance, several pillars were discussed to contribute to support caregivers and first responders in dealing with an attack. Examples include thorough preparations and trainings to know how to deal with an attack, giving space to first responders to hand over their tasks after an attack, as well as through developing a strategy for ‘spontaneous’ caregivers who do not have training and support.

Concerning remembrance, it was stressed that ‘memory is resilience’. Several people and institutions from throughout the world shared their experience with setting up memorials and museums for victims of terrorism, such as in Spain, France, New York, Bali and Oslo. One RAN RVT Working Group leader explained the role of victims in the prevention of radicalisation since they are a credible voice and can show the consequences of terrorism. The panel showed how victims contribute to PVE by sharing a positive and hopeful story. For example, victims visiting schools and prisons (such as in Spain and France) can serve as real-life examples of resilience and can strengthen social cohesion with delivering testimonies (i.e. in the media or communities, such as in Spain and Northern Ireland).

The participants of the RAN RVT Working Group contributed as speakers throughout the round tables on the programme. In total, the event gathered 450 victims of terrorism from 80 countries, including civil society organisations and political parties, representatives of different institutions, international experts and journalists. On this occasion, victims of the areas currently most affected by terrorism were also represented, such as victims from the Middle East, the Maghreb, Africa and Asia.

Interested in more outcomes of the round tables? Our ex post paper will be online soon.