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A second event

date:  12/11/2019

The Civil Society Empowerment Programme (CSEP) supports civil society, grass roots organisations and credible voices.

Using the positive power and tremendous reach of the internet, it empowers these different groups to provide effective alternatives to the messages coming from violent extremists and terrorists, as well as ideas that counter extremist and terrorist propaganda.

In October 2017, the Commission published a call for proposals for the development of online campaigns to promote counter speech and moderate voices. The 11 projects selected organised a kick-off campaign event in Brussels on 30-31 January 2019. The kick-off provided the participants with new insights and tips and tricks on how to successfully start an online campaign. Read the results in the ex post paper and/or watch the video.

Now, a second call for proposals resulted in six new projects awarded joining the CSEP network. The event will take place in Dublin, 18-19 November. It will aim to cater to the needs of the beneficiaries of both the first and the second call for proposals.

The Radicalisation Awareness Network Centre of Excellence (RAN CoE) has been tasked by DG Migration and Home affairs to organise the event, in partnership with the European Strategic Communication Network (ESCN), Facebook, Google and Twitter. Building on the successful elements of the previous event, support will again be provided through various interactive workshops and incubator teams. The aim is to help CSEP projects deal with obstacles and provide new insights into online campaigning.