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Workshop on inclusion of EU mobile citizens

In the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities ("OPEN DAYS") that will take place in Brussels from 10 to 13 October 2016, the European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers, is notably organising on 12 October 2016 a workshop on "Practical ways for local communities to foster inclusion of EU mobile citizens".

date:  12/10/2016

venue:  European Commission, Centre Borschette, Room 1C

What will the workshop be about?

The workshop will address important challenges regarding access to housing, the labour market and education, and social, political and civic inclusion.

Regional and local authorities are indeed best placed to know how challenges in their city or region can be met effectively. Many local authorities have developed innovative and inspiring inclusion policies.

In this workshop, three European cities ( Brussel, Amsterdam and Copenhagen) will present their project on "Local Welcoming Policies" that brings together the cities of Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Dublin, Gothenburg and Hamburg in an effort to support the fundamental right of EU citizens to freely move, work and live in any EU country.

The workshop will be an opportunity to discuss best practices regarding socio-economic inclusion of mobile EU citizens. Access to housing, the labour market and education, and social, political and civic inclusion will also be addressed.

Chair and speakers

  • Ms. Boulanger Marie-Hélène (Chair)
  • Mr. De Jonge Eric
  • Mr. Tubbing Niels

Target audience

  • EU, national, regional and local policy/decision makers
  • Authorities managing and evaluating cohesion policy programmes and projects
  • Other stakeholders: private companies, financial institutions, European and national associations
  • Academics, students and researchers


You can register to this workshop (number: 12B85) until Friday 30 September 17 PM. 


What are the Open Days?
The Open Days is an annual Brussels-based four-day event during which officials from regions and cities’ administrations, as well as experts and academics, can exchange good practices and know-how in the field of regional and urban development. You will find here the full programme of this event.