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This newsletter : a new communication tool for our Programme

As of January 2016, you will receive a modernised electronic newsletter dedicated to the 'Europe for Citizens' programme. This e-newsletter will not only provide information about the Programme implementation, but also disseminate all relevant news concerning its funded projects, beneficiaries, partners and stakeholders as well as a calendar of future events relating to citizenship issues.


date:  11/11/2015

Dear partners, stakeholders, beneficiaries, applicants and followers,

We hope you will enjoy reading this new electronic newsletter for the 'Europe for Citizens' programme 2014-2020, which replaces the old and quite rudimentary 'Flash Info' that was sent to you at irregular intervals since 2007 to disseminate key pieces of information about the implementation of the programme (notably  when work programme and annual priorities were adopted, projects selected and future events announced).

As of January 2016, it is a modernised newsletter with a friendlier format and an enriched content that you will receive via email with the possibility to reading it under HTML format within a browser. Drafted in English, and sent every other month, it will not only provide information about the programme implementation, but also disseminate all relevant news concerning its funded projects, beneficiaries, partners and stakeholders as well as a calendar of future events relating to citizenship issues.

Through this new communication tool, which covers the two strands of the programme ('European Remembrance', and 'Democratic engagement and Civic participation'), we would like to create a community of interest around the programme's actions and make its concrete achievements better known.

To this end, given that you are involved in a way or another in the programme implementation, your inputs, ideas and announcements of future events related to civic participation are welcomed. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you want some topics to be addressed or if you wish to propose your contribution through texts of no more than 1 500 characters, spaces included, preferably accompanied by non-copyrighted pictures or photos or video, with possible attachments and links. We are also willing to improve this newsletter and are therefore looking forward to hearing your possible feedbacks.

Cheers !

The Citizenship Team.