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Upcoming events

date:  14/05/2020

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, all Working Group meetings scheduled to take place in May and June will be held online. We will make a further announcement in the next newsletter which will be published in June.

MAY 2020

How to motivate extremist individuals with no intrinsic exit motivation

RAN Rehabilitation
13-14 May
The meeting will explore strategies to motivate individuals to participate in a rehabilitation or disengagement process.

Extremist women in prison

RAN Prison
18 and 29 May
This meeting will explore the unique aspects of the treatment of women during imprisonment, how the approach for men applies to women and which assessment tools work.

Day-to-day challenges of Violent Right Wing Extremism

RAN Police and Law Enforcement
19-20 May
The meeting will explore the challenges emanating from organised VRWE groups and will identify the links between different VRWE movements across Europe.

Communication strategies on the return of FTFs

RAN Local Authorities
25-26 May (TBC)
This meeting will explore possible communications strategies to deal with the return of FTFs and their families to a municipality/city.

JUNE 2020

Trans-generational transmission of extremist ideology

RAN Youth & Education
4-5 June
This meeting will explore the process of trans-generational transmission of extremist ideology (in particular Islamist extremist and VRWE ideologies) and approaches to safeguard children from radicalisation.

How to support victims in sharing their counter and alternative narratives

RAN Victims of Terrorism and RAN Communications and Narratives
11 June
This meeting will explore how to ensure the voices of victims and narratives of victims of terrorism can help increase the effectiveness of P/CVE.

Ethics for mental health workers in the prevention of radicalisation

RAN Mental Health
16-17 June
This meeting will explore the different mental health settings across Europe and provide tangible ways to exchange relevant information and guidance on ethical guidelines.

Families ‘left behind’ by FTFs

RAN Families, Communities and Social Care
23-24 June
This meeting will explore how family, community and social care workers can better support the families ‘left behind’ by FTFs, dealing with loss, grief, trauma, and stigmatisation.