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date:  30/09/2019

RAN YOUNG Academy session 4 ‒ How to professionalise your
initiative? (Berlin, 21-22 October)

This will be the fourth and final RAN YOUNG Empowerment Academy session of 2019. It will focus on professional empowerment: How to professionalise your initiative and broaden your network? How to have sustainable impact in your communities and how to monitor and evaluate this? Participants will also reflect on the past year and think about what’s next.

RAN EXIT ‒ Gender-specific approaches in exit work
(Rome, 22-23 October)

This meeting will examine possible gender-specific factors/approaches in Exit work, and discuss what different approaches are needed when looking at the variety of active extremist groups (Islamist, far-right, far-left).

RAN H&SC ‒ Alienation vs integration
(Helsinki, 23-24 October)

The aim is to learn from experiences of social workers and health professionals working with people of a migrant or refugee background about how to safeguard them from push and pull factors leading to radicalisation or violent extremism.

The meeting will delve into risk factors and problems faced by health professionals, what they need to protect this target group from vulnerabilities leading to radicalisation, and how to work with prevention and treatment of mental health problems through an intercultural lens. Good practices will be shared in interactive sessions.

Member States Workshop on Islamist Extremism
(Rome, 24-25 October)

This workshop will review current trends, challenges and manifestations of Islamist extremism (IE). In addition, it will explore the specific contexts of participating MS. Each MS will briefly present an overview of the context, strategy and challenges regarding IE in their respective countries. The rest of the workshop will focus more on three selected topics. MS can introduce specific topics of interest, such as (online) recruitment tactics, the role of women in IE movements, local manifestations of IE groups, or other challenges specific to dealing with IE groups or movements.

Each topic will be introduced by an expert speaker and participants will then discuss and exchange experiences in smaller groups. MS will have an opportunity to exchange ideas on national, regional and local measures aimed at dealing with and responding to (violent) IE, and to identify challenges that require extra attention.

Policy & Practice event ‒ Evaluating impact of disengagement,
deradicalisation and resocialisation efforts (Madrid, 7 November)

Efforts and resources on P/CVE have increased throughout the EU over the last decade. Since challenges like the foreign terrorist fighters phenomenon appeared suddenly, the demand for putting interventions in place or even to develop them from scratch has been high. As the field is quite new, there is little experience about what works to prevent and counter violent extremism.

Now that approaches have been in place longer and are more institutionalised, the need to look at their outputs and outcomes through evaluation is recognised by policymakers, practitioners and researchers. The event will invite policymakers and practitioners to exchange experiences, challenges and insights that come with the evaluation of P/CVE interventions at different levels.