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Consultation on the "Single Digital Gateway" until 21 November 2016

The Commission is currently conducting a survey about creating a ‘Single Digital Gateway’ for European citizens and businesses. Have your say !

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date:  23/09/2016

We would like to draw your attention to a survey that the Commission is currently conducting about creating a ‘Single Digital Gateway’ for European citizens and businesses, which was foreseen in the Single Market Strategy and the Digital Single Market Strategy,

The Commission would like to make it easier for people and businesses to find essential information to help them make the most of the single market. For the time being, online information can be unreliable – it can be incomplete, inaccurate or hard to understand. Sometimes it is only available in the local language, or not accessible from your country.

The Single Digital Gateway is meant to address the current information gap, by integrating, completing and improving relevant EU and national-level online information, assistance services and procedures in a user-friendly way. It aims at improving existing portals, better connecting them and helping Europeans to complete the most frequently used national procedures fully online. In other words, its goal is to provide an online access point where entrepreneurs and citizens can find key information on living, working or doing business in other EU countries.

Your answers to this survey will help the Commission design the Single Digital Gateway so that it meets your needs.

Please let us know before 21 November 2016 what you think by participating and spreading the word among other interested stakeholders: