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Welcome to our second edition!

Harnessing Talent Platform Newsletter

Dear reader, many initiatives have been kicked off since the launch of the Harnessing Talent Platform. Time to look back at the developments since the first newsletter in November 2023.

Support under the Talent Booster Mechanism

The technical assistance to help regions facing a ‘talent development trap’ has started!


This expert support aims to assist 11 EU regions that are greatly impacted by a decrease in the number of people of working age, as well as a decrease in the number of people with higher education. The goal is to help these regions come up with practical plans to attract, train, and keep talented individuals effectively.  

The selected regions were announced by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira during the Harnessing Talent Platform launch event last November. You can read more about the support that regions are receiving at the following link (click on graphic): 


The support provided to these regions will include two phases. The diagnostic phase aims to assess the regions’ ability to utilise talent effectively, identify challenges and evaluate existing policies. During the implementation phase, regions seek to implement some of the identified actionable next steps through a “Toolbox” that includes different resources such as research and analysis, the implementation of surveys or the formulation and integration of policies.

You can read more about the support that these 11 regions are currently receiving here.



Pillar 2 of the Talent Booster Mechanism has successfully kicked-off




On 18-19 April 2024, the OECD and DG REGIO hosted the kick-off event which brought together the 10 regions selected to receive technical assistance to adapt to demographic change.

Under Pillar 2 of the Talent Booster Mechanism, a focus is placed on helping regions facing high rates of departure of young people to develop geographically-oriented, smart policy approaches that respond to key issues related to demographic change such as spatial planning, dealing with vacant land and housing, maintaining attractive built-environments, providing infrastructure and services, addressing labour and skill shortages, developing supportive multi-level governance systems, and reforming subnational government finances.

Find out more about the event and the 10 selected regions on the Harnessing Talent Platform.



Technical Support Instrument


New TSI Flagship Initiative to Address Demographic Change Through Reforms

A new Flagship Initiative has been announced in the field of demography, as part of the yearly call for requests under the Technical Support Instrument (TSI 2025). Through this initiative, Member State administrations operating at national, regional and/or local levels will be able to apply for support to address the consequences of demographic change, by implementing reforms structured into several work packages, namely: 

  • Reforms to address skills and labour shortages;
  • Reforms to support the working-age population;
  • Reforms to support and empower the young generation;
  • Reforms to promote active ageing and support the health and well-being of the elderly population;
  • Reforms targeting regions, particularly regions in a talent development trap or at risk of falling into one; and
  • Reforms aimed at strengthening Member States' data collection and fiscal capacities.

Member State authorities interested in applying for this opportunity can get in touch with DG REFORM through the following contact point: REFORM-B4@ec.europa.eu. 

The official window to apply for TSI support will be opened in early October and will remain open until October 31st, 2024. Applicants are encouraged to get in touch with DG REFORM well before the start of the official application period, to discuss their specific support needs more in detail. More information on the application process can be found on the TSI website (section: TSI 2025 call), as well as on the dedicated Flagship webpage.

2024 Technical Support Instrument projects revealed

Through the Technical Support Instrument, the European Commission is currently providing support to 18 Member States, under the auspices of two Flagship Initiatives launched as part of the TSI 2024 cycle. 

Through the Flagship “Overcoming Barriers to Regional Development”, support is being provided to regions facing talent development traps, and/or similar regional development barriers. As a case in point, support is being provided to Eastern and South-Eastern Finland's Border Regions, to design and implement an overarching Transition Strategy for all areas concerned, alongside eight region-specific, economic transformation strategies for sustainable regional development. In Slovenia, technical support is being provided towards the preparation of a new Regional Development Strategy and dedicated regional development plans to guide the restructuring of the Savinjsko-Šaleška and Zasavska coal regions. 

Through the Flagship “Fostering Skills Development Systems”, support is being provided to ensure the adequate adaptation of education and training systems, in view of meeting the demands of the green, digital and demographic transitions. As a case in point, support is being provided to two Polish cities (Wroclaw and Katowice), towards the development of a framework for the sustainable integration of migrant and refugee children and their caregivers through the education system. In turn, support is being provided to Bulgaria and Portugal in the field of early childhood education and care (ECEC). As part of this project, targeted recommendations will be provided, to raise the quality, accessibility and inclusiveness of ECEC, by improving overall governance, monitoring and evaluation efforts.



Get ready for exciting opportunities in 2024 under the I3 Instrument!


In 2024,
the I3 Instrument will open calls for proposals focusing on two key areas: 

  • Strand 1 will support mature partnerships in accelerating the market uptake of innovative solutions within shared priority areas of smart specialisation.
  • Strand 2a targets the development of value chains in less developed regions, aiming to enhance their participation in global value chains and partnerships with other regions.

The calls are expected to be published in the second quarter of 2024, with a deadline in the last quarter of the same year. The total budget for both calls is estimated at approximately EUR 67 million.

Stay tuned for updates on these opportunities in the Harnessing Talent Platform Open calls page.



European Urban Initiative


And the winners are... results of the EUI’s second call for innovative actions announced!

On May 22 2024, the EUI announced the results of its second call, which focused on three topics: greening cities, sustainable tourism and harnessing talent in shrinking cities. Four out of 22 selected projects will focus on testing innovative and creative solutions for attracting and harnessing talent in shrinking cities. Those are Haskovo (Bulgaria), Celje (Slovenia), Kozani (Greece) and Stalowa Wola (Poland).

List of 22 selected projects within the 2nd call is here.


The third call for proposals is open

On 6 May 2024, the Commission launched a third Innovative Actions call for proposals under the European Urban Initiative (EUI). The call seeks innovative and ambitious project proposals focusing on the topics: ‘Energy transition’ or ‘Technology in cities’. 

These projects may be a good start for urban authorities to attract and support talent in both the energy and technology sectors, creating an environment where new ideas and skilled professionals can thrive, thereby driving innovation and excellence in urban development. 

The call will close on 14 October 2024 at 14.00 CEST.

More about the 3rd call and assistance available for applicants here.



Updates on the Harnessing Talent Platform


You would like to know what a talent development trap is or how regions can benefit from the support provided under the Talent Booster Mechanism? Please visit our new Frequently Asked Questions section on the Harnessing Talent Platform.



Experience exchanges and good practices!


Follow the Working Groups on the Harnessing Talent Platform!

Following the WGs first meeting in Brussels on 24 November 2023, the four WGs focusing on Digital, Health, Research & Innovation, and Territorial Issues have started their regular work.


After selecting areas of particular interest for the group, the members are working on dedicated issue papers, defining closely the scope of their work, discussing the problem drivers as well as the outputs they are going to produce. The groups are currently also:

  • identifying key stakeholders and EU policies and initiatives related to the areas of interest.
  • formulating questions to be discussed.
  • planning their activities for the two years ahead.

This approach will ensure that the WGs are not only addressing key concerns but also working towards impactful outcomes. The next meeting of working groups is planned in person in October.

Stay tuned for updates on their work here!

Tell us your ideas and suggestions for good practices!


The greatest ideas emerge from collaboration and shared experiences. Thus, the HTP recently launched a survey to collect your good practices on how to attract and retain talent in different EU regions.

Through your good practices, which can include examples of projects and/or actions addressing the decline of tertiary-educated populations, educational & training programmes, innovative financing models, created synergies, transition strategies, etc., you will: 

  • inspire regions facing similar challenges to transfer and implement good practices in different areas.
  • support us in building knowledge on how to better retain, develop and harness talent.
  • enrich the Harnessing Talent Platform and raise awareness of regional challenges.
  • get the opportunity to display your ideas or best practices as part of our Knowledge repository page.

Don’t hesitate to share your good practice via this survey!

Commission updates on policies & initiatives


Val Duchesse Summit

At the Val Duchesse Social Partners Summit in January 2024, the European Commission, the Belgian Presidency and European social partners signed a ‘Tripartite Declaration for a Thriving European Social Dialogue’. During the summit, these stakeholders addressed relevant topics such as labour and skill shortages, and the reinforcement of a social dialogue.

A joint press release with quotes from President von der Leyen and Belgian Prime Minister De Croo was published. The President’s speech was also made publicly available.

Find more information about the Summit here.



New EU rural toolkit

In order to sustain the provision of essential services such as food, housing, employment and more across EU’s rural areas, the Commission has launched a Rural toolkit. This tool enables easier access to information on various EU funding opportunities for local authorities, regions, businesses and individuals, empowering them to take advantage of EU initiatives to improve the quality of life in their territories. Quality of life is seen as a major push and pull factor when looking at talent attraction and retention.

Read more about the toolkit.



Skills and labour shortages in the EU: an action plan

Facing significant challenges due to shortages in skills and labour, the EU has created a detailed action plan.

The action plan has been also a key deliverable of the European Year of Skills. The EU has closed the European Year of Skills with a large conference in April 2024, in which further steps were discussed by relevant stakeholders.

Find more about what comes next after the European Year of Skills.



"Youth for Reviving Stagnating EU Territories.": Inforegio - Toolkit Youth 4 Reviving (stagnating) EU territories (europa.eu)

How can regions tackle the "brain drain"? What is the perspective of young people in the affected regions? Over one year, four colleagues from the Commission's Junior Professionals Programme (JPP) researched these questions and produced a toolkit with recommendations for regional and local authorities. 



Policy updates

CoR opinion on affordable and sustainable housing

On the 9th of February Committee of Regions adopted an opinion on affordable and sustainable housing. It aims to establish a structured dialogue on the issue and to provide more support for local and regional governments' efforts to provide affordable and sustainable housing. Affordable and sustainable housing can contribute directly to the attraction and retention of regional talent

Find more about the opinion here.




Publication of the 9th Cohesion Report

Despite improvements in some areas, ongoing challenges including demographic shifts, digitalisation, and climate change, are fuelling regional inequalities as well as talent attraction and retention challenges. Therefore, it is essential to strengthen economic cohesion, a core principle since the Union's inception, which remains vital amid the EU's development.

The publication of the 9th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion, also known as the 9th Cohesion Report, is crucial for the evaluation of the state of cohesion within the EU. Cohesion policies have notably contributed to enhancing economic, employment, and social indicators across the EU.

Read more here.



Latest high-level expert report on EU Cohesion

Don’t miss out on “Forging a Sustainable Future Together”, the latest report spotlighting the crucial role of the cohesion policy in the EU. For over three decades, this policy has driven social and economic progress by directing investments to regions facing developmental hurdles, including talent development issues. As the EU faces new challenges, cohesion Policy must evolve to address evolving structural issues and enhance the well-being of all Europeans. Read the report to ways to maximise the effectiveness and impact of cohesion policy in the future.

Read the report here.

Regional policy-related events

You are invited to take a look at past and upcoming regional policy related events that might be of interest for you.

Relevant past events


You missed the Harnessing Talent Platform launch event in November? Here are all the highlights for you!

This event, hosted by the Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), brought together on site around 120 key stakeholders from European, national, regional and local levels. An additional 300 people followed the event online.

The event was opened by Dubravka Suica, the European Commission Vice President for Democracy and Demography, and Elisa Ferreira, the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms. The launch featured a high-level debate between representatives from DG REGIO, the European Parliament and representatives from different Member States as well as two panel sessions on the territorial dimensions of demographic challenges as well as socio-economic policies for harnessing talent. Finally, the event featured an info session on the 8 pillars of the Talent Booster Mechanism before Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights as well as Peter Berkowitz, Director for Policy, DG REGIO closed the event.

You can read more about the event here.

Watch the recording of the plenary session.

See all photos from the event on the official REGIO Flickr account.



You missed the 9th Cohesion Forum? Here is the recap for you!

This event, organised on 11 and 12 of April by DG REGIO, aimed to connect relevant stakeholders from regions all across Europe and celebrate interregional cooperation. In the forum, different personalities reflected on the importance of the EU cohesion policies.

Find more about the Cohesion Forum here.

Watch the recording of the forum.



Did you know about the Technical Support Instrument (Pillar 3) annual conference? Check the rundown!

The recently concluded two-day TSI Annual Conference, held on 24 and 25 April, hosted by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira, brought together inspirational speakers and panellists from EU member states, EU institutions, fellow organisations and academia personnel. Commemorating the 5th Cycle of the TSI, the conference marked the official launch of the 5th TSI 2025 Cycle, revealing its priorities for the year ahead.

Find more information and the recordings here!



Launch of the 2024 edition of the EU regional Social Progress Index

On 23 May 2024, the European Commission launched the 2024 edition of the EU regional Social Progress Index (EU-SPI), with a hybrid event hosted by the Committee of the Regions.

This is the third time the European Commission published the EU regional Social Progress Index, a composite indicator aiming at complementing GDP with socioeconomic and environmental indicators that accounts explicitly and in detail for aspects that are crucial for well-being, like environmental sustainability, poverty, or inclusivity. The EU-SPI has been developed in cooperation with the Joint Research Centre to explore the regional dimension of welfare in a broad sense. The link to the web streaming is available here.

Upcoming events


OECD Local Skills Week 2024

This event will serve as a pivotal platform to renew the policy dialogue on adult skills policies. The first edition of Local Skills Week took place in the wake of the COVD-19 when the labour market landscape was uncertain and still emerging from crisis. The 2024 edition will convene local policy makers, social partners and practitioners to discuss the challenges and opportunities that the twin transition will bring for talent.

Participants will have the opportunity to attend a variety of online sessions over the course of 25-27 June 2024. Sessions will explore the actions city and local leaders are taking to prepare local labour markets and adult learning systems. This event is made possible by the generous support of the JPMorgan Chase Foundation.

Find more about this event here.

date 25/06/2024 - 27/06/2024
venue Online Event

Webinar series on recognition of qualifications of third country nationals

The Commission is hosting three stakeholder webinars as part of the follow-up to its Recommendation on recognising qualifications of third country nationals, adopted in November 2023 within the Skills and Talent Mobility Package. 

These webinars aim to facilitate discussions among stakeholders in recognition, migration, and employment, focusing on challenges and solutions in qualification recognition, featuring presentations from noteworthy projects and initiatives for mutual learning.

To find out more about the first two webinars please visit the Harnessing Talent Platform Events section. The next webinar will be on the following topic:

Partnerships and cooperation

The third webinar in the series will be held on 26 June 2024 and will focus on the role of partnerships and co-operation with third countries to simplify recognition of qualifications and attract talent in a mutually beneficial way. More information will be forthcoming in early June.

date 26/06/2024
venue Online Event

Don’t miss out on…

An EU4Health open call for grants to NGOs for proposal for Framework Partnership Agreement opened in March. The EU4Health programme will bring a contribution to the long-term health challenges by building stronger, more resilient and more accessible health systems, which contributes to local and regional attractiveness. You can find more information and apply here.

Prepared by the Harnessing Talent Platform team. For any inquiries or questions, please reach out to us at secretariat@harnessingtalent.eu.

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