Welcome to the Harnessing Talent Platform

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Stay in the loop with our latest news to unlock the potential of Europe’s talent landscape
Europe's got talent. But talent needs to be nurtured, especially as the EU is going through important demographic transition, as highlighted by the  2023 Report on the Impact of Demographic Change.

Europe's got talent. But talent needs to be nurtured, especially as the EU is going through an important demographic transition, as highlighted by the 2023 Report on the Impact of Demographic Change.

In 2023 the Commission published a Communication on Harnessing Talent in Europe's Regions and launched the Talent Booster Mechanism, which aims to bring a fresh impetus for reskilling and upskilling as this year’s first key initiative to contribute to the European Year of Skills.


This Mechanism will support EU regions affected by the accelerated decline of their working age population to train, retain and attract the people, the skills and the competences needed to address the impact of the demographic transition.

The Harnessing Talent Platform (HTP) will help regions exchange experiences, share good practices and access knowledge. The Platform will hence be a key support tool for regions to address the consequences of the demographic change and mitigate the challenges associated with the decline of tertiary educated populations across the EU.

This quarterly newsletter will deliver the latest updates around the Harnessing Talent Platform directly to your email. Here is what you can expect:

  • latest news of the Platform
  • progress and insights from our Working Groups around these areas: Digital, Health, Territorial and R&I
  • updates about our Technical Assistance services and how to address regions’ untapped potential
  • links to key resources and publications around harnessing talent in Europe’s regions
  • first-hand information about past and upcoming events  
  • details concerning the EU's Talent Booster Mechanism and its activities such as open calls and funding opportunities

Subscribe to the Newsletter and help us disseminate it with your network! 

Harnessing Talent Platform Launch Event on 23 November
Join us online for a day of high-level debates, expert panels and info sessions!
During the event, participants will have the opportunity to:
  • learn about the support offered to EU cities, regions, and Member States by the European Commission through the Talent Booster Mechanism and the Harnessing Talent Platform
  • find out the list of 10 selected regions to receive expert support to attract, develop and retain talent from Pillar 1 of the Talent Booster Mechanism
  • reflect on relevant policies for attracting, retaining and developing talent and how the underlining demographic transition influences the prosperity of EU’s regions
  • gain insights from experts and hear about key trends and best practices

This event will be hosted by the Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO). 

You can find and download a detailed agenda of the event here.


date 23/11/2023 - 23/11/2023
venue Online
Registration Register here
See also Live streaming
Contact secretariat@harnessingtalent.eu
First Working Group meetings approaching
Stay tuned for the outcomes that will shape a brighter future for talent across Europe!
As part of Pillar 7 of the Talent Booster Mechanism, four Working Groups (WGs) have been established within the HTP through an open call on the topics of: Digital, Health, Research & Innovation and Territorial issues – in particular urban-rural linkages and quality of life.


The WGs aim to facilitate discussions and strategic exchanges among stakeholders from different territorial levels, focusing on harnessing talent in Europe and the territorial impacts of demographic changes. Their first meeting will take place in Brussels on 24 November 2023. The work of these WGs aims to provide insights into how regions can address demographic challenges, attract, develop, and retain talent, and ultimately, create policies and guidance based on their findings. 

Follow the Working Groups’ work and get to know their members here.

Exploring Drivers and Policy Approaches of Student Migration in the EU
Our first academic article on how to attract talents to Europe's regions is here!
In this first academic article linked to the topic of harnessing talent in Europe’s Regions, researcher Martin Guzi dives into the world of student migration in the EU, exploring the drivers behind student migration and discussing different policy approaches. These may in turn hinder or support the retention of students in the local labour market past their graduation date. Here are some key takeaways:
  • The mobility of students contributes to host countries' economies and labour markets
  • Retaining students after graduation can address labour market and population needs, particularly in areas outside major cities
  • Creating welcoming and inclusive environments is crucial to attract and retain foreign students
  • The benefits of student migration positively affect the entire EU population

Read the full article here and stay tuned for more insightful articles!

Demography toolbox
Retaining talent for regional growth!
Demographic change has a profound impact on our lives and the competitiveness of our economy. To support Member States in addressing demographic challenges and their impact on Europe’s competitive edge, the Commission recently published a Communication Demographic change in Europe: a toolbox for action. This demography toolbox considers the Talent Booster Mechanism as one of the key EU level tools and is complementary to the HTP efforts to address the consequences of the demographic change. The toolbox sets out a comprehensive approach to demographic change and is structured around 4 pillars:


You can also find out more here or download the full document directly via this link.

European Week of Regions and Cities
Participants of the European Week of Regions and Cities could get a sneak peek of Harnessing Talent Platform and its work!
From 9 to 12 October the 21st edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities - the biggest annual event dedicated to cohesion policy – took place in Brussels. During the session on 10 October 2023, the Harnessing Talent Platform and its links to the Talent Booster Mechanism were presented. In addition, the session explored the parallel work done by the OECD and presented a best practice example from the Andalusia region in Spain.

You can find more information about this session as well as some quotes here.

On this occasion, we also invite you to watch the reply of the high-level thematic session on “Retaining talent for regional growth”, where EC Vice-President Dubravka Šuica is discussing best practices on how to attract more skilled workers in regions.


And don’t miss out on…

Prepared by the Harnessing Talent Platform team. For any inquiries or questions, please reach out to us at secretariat@harnessingtalent.eu.

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