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Workshop: Banking Regulation and Sustainability

Workshop: Banking Regulation and Sustainability

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date:  18/11/2019 - 19/11/2019

venue:  Ispra, Italy

Organiser:  JRC, European Banking Authority (EBA)

The EU is fully committed to reaching the EU 2030 climate and energy targets and to mainstream sustainable development into EU policies.

Against this background, in 2018 the Commission published an Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth. On the back of this plan, the European Banking Authority (EBA) prepared its own work plan and identified its key priorities.

These include considerations on how sustainability can be incorporated into the regulatory and supervisory framework of EU credit institutions.

This joint JRC-EBA Workshop moves forward on the various challenges related to integrating sustainability into the EU banking regulation framework.

It aims at bringing together academics, supervisors, policymakers and industry representatives, promoting a structured dialogue on how banks could measure and manage risks related to the environmental, social and governance dimensions.