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JRC Week on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards

JRC Week on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards

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date:  15/11/2019 - 15/11/2019

venue:  Ispra

Organiser:  JRC

The JRC Week on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards brought together academics, policy makers, data and policy analysts with a common interest in multidimensional indicator frameworks to inform policy making.

Over the course of five days, participants learned from best practices and engage with like-minded peers. The training offered lessons learnt from the JRC assessments of more than 100 well-known composite indicators and scoreboards. The team of experts of the European Commission’s Competence Centre on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards illustrated practical examples from major international indices and showed what is behind the widely communicated scores and rankings.

The questions below and more will be explored during the training:

  • What are the state-of-art methods to develop and audit indices and scoreboards?
  • How much faith can we have in multidimensional frameworks and how can common pitfalls be avoided?
  • How can indices and scoreboards better inform policy and be communicated to the wider public?
  • What already successful tools can be further adopted?

In addition, the Community of Practice meeting featured presentations by over 20 speakers from international institutions such as the MIT, Yale University, World Economic Forum, OECD, United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Germanwatch, Stanford University, Equal Measures 2030, among others. This year’s topics focused on sustainable cities, energy transition, climate change, child wellbeing, African governance, gender equality and artificial intelligence.

The Community of Practice on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards offered an ideal opportunity to share political and technical challenges in building multidimensional frameworks, created new collaborations and stayed up to date with the latest developments on composite indicators as well as on data visualisation tools.

The JRC Week was open to all with an interest in informing policies through multidimensional indicator frameworks.