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Regional cereals and milk production in 2021

Cereals and milk are key agricultural products in the EU. The EU region that produced cereals with the highest value in 2021 was Castilla y León in Spain (€2. 3 billion). The region that produced the highest value of milk in 2021 was Southern in Ireland (€2.4 billion), which was followed by Bretagne in France (€2.0 billion), and Lombardia in Italy (€1.8 billion).

Launch of the 2023 Perception Survey on Quality of Life in European Cities, 12 December 2023

Location: Charlemagne, room LORD JENKINS, Rue de la Loi 170, Brussels (09:30 - 13:00 CET) Please contact for further information. The survey is conducted on a total of 83 European cities. It covers all capital cities of the countries concerned (except for Switzerland), together with between one and six more cities in the larger countries. In 2023, in each city, more than 800 citizens were contacted, for a total of 71 153 completed interviews. The survey exclusively focuses on perceived quality of life, showing how satisfied people are with various aspects of urban life, such as employment opportunities, availability of green and recreational public spaces, public transports or environmental issues (i.e. air quality).

Regions with the highest life expectancy

In 2021, the overall life expectancy at birth in the EU was 80.1 years. The life expectancy for women in the EU stood at 82.9 years, which was 5.7 years longer than that for men, who averaged 77.2 years. At the time of their birth, women are expected to live longer in all 242 NUTS 2 regions where data is available.

Tertiary educational attainment in 2022

In 2022, more than two-fifths (42.0%) of the EU population aged 25–34 had a tertiary level of educational attainment (some people within this age group might still be studying). Of the 240 NUTS 2 regions for which data are available (no data for Mayotte in France or Åland in Finland), there were 72 regions (equivalent to 30% of all EU regions) where this share had already reached or surpassed the EU’s policy target for this area: 45.0%.

Road fatalities by region in 2021

The EU region with the highest rate of road fatalities at NUTS 2 level was the French outermost region of Guadeloupe, recording 159 road fatalities per million inhabitants, followed by Severozapaden in north-west Bulgaria (133) and Guyane, another French outermost region (120).

Women in high-tech

At the regional level (NUTS 2 regions), the French (Ile-de-France) and Spanish (Comunidad de Madrid) capital regions registered the highest number of people employed in high-technology sectors, 420 000 and 289 000, respectively. The share of women in high-technology employment across NUTS 2 regions, ranged from a high of 50.2% in the Hungarian region of Nyugat-Dunántúl down to 8.3% in the Greek region of Thessalia.

Regional variations in EU employment rates

The highest regional employment rate among NUTS 2 regions in 2022 was recorded in the Finnish archipelago of Åland, at 89.7%, followed by the Polish capital region of Warszawski stołeczny (85.4%), the Dutch region of Utrecht (85.1%) and the Swedish capital region of Stockholm (also 85.1%).

Adults in education and training across EU regions

In 2022, 96 out of 240 NUTS2 regions had participation rates equal to or above the EU average of 11.9%. This group included every region of Denmark, Spain, the Netherlands, Austria, Slovenia, Finland and Sweden, as well as Estonia, Luxembourg and Malta (all single regions at this level of detail). There was higher participation rates for women in 192 out of 233 NUTS 2 regions

Regional reliability on agriculture

The agriculture, forestry and fishing sector continues to be a significant source of employment, particularly in eastern and southern EU countries. Looking at the NUTS 3 regional data, Romania's Vaslui (61.7%) and Neamţ (51.4%) regions reported the highest employment rates in this sector.

Regions with the most highly-skilled employed people

In 2022, there were approximately 80 million highly-skilled people employed across the EU, accounting for 44.2% of the total number of people employed aged 25–64. The distribution of highly-skilled employed people at regional level varied a lot. 106 out of the 241 reported regions were equal to or above the EU average.

Eurostat regional yearbook is out

Regional yearbook 2023 edition! The Eurostat regional yearbook, the Statistical Atlas, as well as the Regions in Europe present the deeper and more focused data on EU regions. This edition of regional yearbook focuses on the European Year of Skills, designed to support individuals to get the right skills for quality jobs while helping businesses address skills shortages. Extended chapters on education and the labour market gauge how the different regions are faring.

Nights booked via online platforms: uneven EU growth

Regional data for 2022 on guest nights spent in short-term rental accommodation booked via Airbnb, Booking, Expedia Group, or TripAdvisor shows that the overall growth of platform tourism since pre-pandemic times is spread unevenly across Europe.

Create your maps with IMAGE, our map generator tool

The Interactive Map Generator (IMAGE) is a web-based tool that allows users to quickly make professional statistical maps in several predefined map layouts. You can add your data, or load data directly from the Eurostat database.

Deaths by suicide down by almost 14% in a decade

The regions with the smallest number of deaths resulting from suicide were Mayotte in France (1.4), North Aegean (2.3) and Central Macedonia (2.9) in Greece, Campania in Italy (2.9), and South-West region in Bulgaria (3.0), all with a standardised death rate for self-harm of 3 or less deaths per 100 000 inhabitants.

Eurostat Workshop EURegionsWeek 2023- Save the date: 10 October 2023

Join Eurostat's Session at European Week of Regions and Cities in October 2023- Breaking barriers on cross-border statistical cooperation – Challenges and Opportunities. During the session three speakers will highlight the challenges and opportunities from three different perspectives: from the local, national and European perspectives. They will highlight accomplished work (on defining, coding, cross-border cities and variables for the data collection) as well as the plans for the future. Registration opens on 30 July 2023!

Eurostat Regional Yearbook is a multiplatform publishing package

Did you know that Eurostat Regional Yearbook is not just a printed publication, but a multiplatform publishing package? You can download it as a pdf, find more comprehensive articles as Statistics Explained, play with the data in the interactive edition: the Regions in Europe, furthermore check the digitalised maps on the Statistical Atlas. The latest edition is scheduled to be released at the beginning of October 2023.

Beehive numbers in EU

In 2020, the highest number of beehives on farms in any one region was found in the Spanish region of Extremadura (300 220), followed by the Portuguese region of Norte (257 040). The Romanian region of Nord-Vest (250 510) registered the third-largest number.