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Online booking platforms in 2023: 678.6 million nights

The most popular regions (at NUTS 2 level) for short-term rental accommodation booked via online platforms in the third quarter of 2023 were Jadranska Hrvatska in Croatia (23.7 million nights), Andalucía in Spain (14.0 million nights), and the French Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (12.2 million nights).

Registration open for SCORUS conference- 5-6 June in Brussels and hybrid event

We are excited to announce that registration is now open for the SCORUS conference on REGIONAL AND LOCAL STATISTICS FOR MORE INFORMED POLICY MAKING co-organised and hosted by Eurostat and DG Regional and Urban policy scheduled to take place on 5-6 June in Brussels as a hybrid event. We strongly encourage you to register as early as possible and by 22 May the latest, following the link below (MAIN URL). Please note that registration is a two-step procedure. Participants who would like to attend in person will receive an additional link to register for visitors passes allowing them to enter the building (subject to availability). Should you have any immediate questions or need further assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to

Key regions for inland waterway freight transport in 2022

In 2022, the Dutch region of Zuid-Holland, home to the port of Rotterdam, led the rankings, handling 172.0 million tonnes of freight, which accounted for 17.8% of the total inland waterway freight handled in the EU. Half of the total volume handled in just 6 regions.

Passenger cars per inhabitant remain stable in 2022

In 2022, there were on average 0.56 passenger cars per inhabitant in the EU – same as in 2021. Among the 10 regions with the highest motorisation rate, 6 were in Italy, and 1 in Finland, Greece, the Netherlands and Czechia.

Statistical Report- Integration of statistical and geospatial information

Experiences and observations from the national statistical authorities, 2016–2020 presents details of projects enacted with grants provided during the second period of this initiative. It showcases the broad range of applications that have been developed using geospatial information implementing the Global Statistical Geospatial Framework (GSGF).

Podcast: how do we show data with maps? - Part 2

The four speakers in this episode (Joseph Davies and Hannes Reuter from unit E.4, Konstantina Michalopoulou from unit B.4, and Riccardo Sgaramella, coordinator of the EU Annual Report on the State of Regions and Cities at the Committee of the Regions) all deal with maps from a different angle.The speakers discuss how maps can both illuminate and distort data visualisation, focusing on geographical information systems and the potential pitfalls in mapmaking.

How to create maps using Eurostat data

Eurostat hosted a webinar on How to create maps using Eurostat data. In this webinar you will learn more about the geographic information system of the European Commission, abbreviated as GISCO, and how to use Eurostat data to create your own statistical maps with the so-called IMAGE tool.


The Standing Committee of Regional and Urban Statistics (SCORUS) of the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS), the Directorate General on Regional and Urban Policy and Eurostat kindly invites the statistical community to present abstracts for the in person conference (link below as main URL), to be held on June 5-6 2024 in Brussels, Belgium. Deadline for the abstract submission is 22 April, 2024, whereas the selection of the abstracts is foreseen on 6 May, 2024.

41% of people employed as scientists and engineers are women

The highest shares of women employed in science and technology occupations in 2022, in NUTS1 regions, were observed in Lithuania (a single region at NUTS 1 level) (64.1%), in the French region of Corse (63.9%) and in Latvia (also a single region at NUTS 1 level) (62.7%).

Most EU regions record an increase in real GDP in 2022

In 2022, real GDP increased in 231 out of 242 EU regions, while decreases were noted in 11 regions. The region with the largest growth in GDP volume was in Algarve in Portugal, with +17.0%. Another Portuguese region ranked second highest, Região Autónoma da Madeira (+14.2%), followed by the Southern region of Ireland (+13.5%), Illes Balears in Spain (+12.5%) and Province Brabant Wallon in Belgium (+10.9%).

EU life expectancy at birth in 2022

In 2022, the life expectancy at birth in the EU was 80.6 years, up by 0.5 years from 2021. The EU region with the highest life expectancy at birth was the Spanish region of Comunidad de Madrid (85.2 years), followed by Provincia Autonoma di Trento in Italy (84.4 years), Ile de France in France (84.1 years), Stockholm in Sweden (84.0 years), and Comunidad Foral de Navarra in Spain (83.9 years).

The largest metropolitan regions in the EU in 2023

The EU's largest metropolitan region in 2023 was Paris in France, with a population of 12.4 million people, followed by the Spanish metropolitan regions of Madrid and Barcelona with 6.9 and 5.8 million inhabitants, respectively. Berlin, with a total population of 5.5 million, and the Ruhrgebiet metropolitan region in Germany (5.1 million residents), completed the top 5.

EU individuals using social networks in 2023

In 224 out of 273 EU regions, participation in social networks stood above 50%. The highest shares were registered in 6 Danish regions: Midtjylland (93%), Hovedstaden (the capital region) (92%), Syddanmark (90%), Nordjylland and Sjælland (both 89%).

Podcast: how do we show data with maps? - Part 1

Stats in a Wrap- In the first part of the episode, the podcast explores how maps have shaped our awareness of the world and how maps have left political legacies, and how to communicate statistical concepts with maps effectively.

Lessons learned in Applying the Degree of Urbanization- UN Statistical Commission virtual event

Eurostat is co-organising and moderating a United Nations Statistical Commission’s side event on 1 February at 15:00 CET. Join the webinar and hear from experts around the world on applying the degree of urbanization – a new methodology defining cities, urban and rural areas. Since 2020 several countries implemented the methodology. The session will summarize the lessons learned as well as the way forward. Registration is by the link below.

Natural population decrease in most EU regions in 2021

In 2021, the EU’s crude rate of natural population change was -2.7 per 1 000 people. At the NUTS 3 level, 980 regions out of 1 164, for which data are available, had a negative rate of natural population change, 173 regions registered a positive rate and 11 regions saw no change (same number of births as deaths).

Gender employment gap in 2022

The gender employment gap is defined as the difference between the employment rates of men and women aged 20-64. In 2022, the EU’s gender employment gap was 10.7 percentage points (pp), 0.2 pp lower than in 2021. There were only two EU regions, among those classified at level 2 of the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS 2), that registered a higher employment rate among women in 2022: the Capital Region of Lithuania (Sostinės regionas) and South Finland (Etelä-Suomi) in Finland.

Tourism peak months across EU regions in 2022

In nearly 3 of 4 EU regions at level 2 of the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS 2), August was the month with the highest concentration in the number of nights spent (170 out of the 242 EU NUTS 2 regions). It was followed by July in 62 EU regions, covering most of northern Europe and parts of Belgium, Czechia, Germany, France, Italy, Hungary and Slovakia. The EU region with the highest level of seasonality concentrated in July and August was Calabria, in Italy, with 64.8%.