Read the online version | ISSN 2811-907X

EU Environment

June edition: Green Claims

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Helping consumers make the right choices

As the demand for more environmentally friendly products grows, so does the number of products that make green claims.

Scratch the surface, and you often find that greenwashing is a common problem. Many claims turn out to be unfounded or based on verification that is weak or absent, and are actually designed to give a false impression about their environmental impact.

That’s where the EU’s proposal for a law on green claims comes in.

The new directive aims to address this widespread problem and will increase protections for consumers and the environment.

It will ensure that environmental labels and claims are credible and trustworthy, allowing citizens to make better-informed purchasing decisions, while also boosting the competitiveness of businesses that are making genuine efforts to increase the environmental sustainability of their products and activities.

We’ve got more consumer-related stuff in store for you as well, so sit back, relax, and enjoy this month’s edition.

Did you know?

40% of green claims
have no supporting evidence

230 sustainability labels & 100 green energy labels
exist in the EU

95,758 products
have been awarded
the EU Ecolabel

Your guide to green

How is the EU combating greenwashing?

In this season's final episode of 'The Road to Green', Euronews looks at how the EU & companies are tackling misleading green claims. Watch it now!


Fresh Green Claims page

For more info, click below, where you can also find our video on the issue.


A big thumbs up!

The EU Ecolabel is heading for a major boost thanks to new and upcoming legislation highlighting its role in supporting the EU’s green transition. Click for more.


Sustainable summertime

With the holidays nearly upon us and for those late bookers looking for a more environmentally-friendly getaway, our EU Ecolabel tourist accommodation catalogue has you covered for all of Europe!


Calculating the impact

A must-read for those interested in environmental footprint methods, which also includes our dedicated page on the topic.


Consumer footprint calculator

And for those of you looking to assess your personal impact on the environment, we offer resources and guidance as well. Click more below.


Want to be more circular?

Then look no further. You can find all good practices on circular economy matters right here.


'More EU rules needed'

A highly relevant survey by the European Consumer Organisation last year found that most consumers want more regulations to tackle greenwashing. See the findings below.

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#WaterWiseEU corner

Managing shared rivers & water resources

Many EU countries rely heavily on water that originates outside their borders. Watch this short video to see why water cooperation between states is vital to manage resources and prevent conflict.


Water pollution

How is the EU working to restore our polluted rivers, lakes and seas? Watch this one-minute explainer to find out.


Join our #WaterWiseEU campaign

There’s still time to join the EU-wide movement for water resilience. With the campaign continuing throughout the year, you can become a partner and help promote and raise awareness of the issue!

Click for all things EU Green Week 2024

Success stories

LIFE winner in focus

A short profile of LIFE Waste2Protein, this year's victor in the Circular Economy and Quality of Life category. Take a look.

Subscribe for the latest LIFE updates

In other news

The Road to Green: Waste Shipments

Just in case you missed it, last month's episode explores how the EU is tackling illegal waste shipments. Check it out.


A boost for EU-China dialogue

Following their joint roadmap on the circular economy earlier this year, the two sides continued their climate and environment talks, with both recognising the urgency of global climate action. Click for more.


Across social media


Channeling our inner Lion King...


...Some big news on the Nature Restoration Law...

EU Environment

...And just to show that conservation action really does work!

Upcoming Events

Green Week Partner Events

After the success of last month's Brussels conference, EU Green Week continues across the continent, with partner events ongoing till September. Don't miss out!

Event listings

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EU Environment

Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius

European Green Deal

© European Union, 2024

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ISSN: 2811-907X | Catalogue Number: KH-BN-24-006-EN-Q