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  February 2024  

DG Energy Newsletter

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In focus

In focus: EU energy security and gas supplies

AggregateEU has been the EU’s central effort to diversify its energy imports away from Russian fossil fuels and successfully contributed to our security of supply in 2023. But, what exactly is it? How did it come about? And, what has it achieved?



AggregateEU launches first mid-term tender to ensure stability and predictability of energy supplies

Today, under the AggregateEU platform for joint gas purchasing, the Commission is launching a first mid-term tender, where buyers will be able to submit their gas demand for multiple 6-month periods running from April 2024 to October 2029.


European Commission launches new online debate on energy efficiency

The new 'Citizens’ Engagement Platform' is an online forum for people to share their views, experiences and ideas on topical issues related to EU policies. The first topic for debate is energy efficiency, one of the main pillars of EU energy policy.


New Commission recommendation for 2040 emissions reduction target to set the path to 2050 climate neutrality

Based on its impact assessment on possible pathways to make the EU climate neutral by 2050, the Commission has recommended a 90% net greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2040 compared to 1990 levels. A legislative proposal will be made by the next Commission, after the European elections.


Commission sets out how to sustainably capture, store and use carbon to reach climate neutrality by 2050

The Industrial Carbon Management Communication, adopted on 6 February, provides details on how technologies that can capture CO2 or remove it directly from the atmosphere and then store or utilise it, and could contribute to reducing emissions by 90% by 2040 and reaching climate neutrality by 2050.


Commission to ally with industry on Small Modular Reactors

The new European Industrial Alliance will aim to accelerate the development, demonstration and deployment of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in Europe by the early 2030s.


Industrial Carbon Management interactive stories: a new tool to discover EU-funded projects in the CCUS sector

This new digital tool allows viewers to interactively discover how the EU funding is distributed across the CCUS sector, what projects have received support and how these projects contribute to drive the European clean-tech innovation in the sector.


Completion of key Polish electricity line to help Baltic States once synchronised with the European network

The 400 kV double-circuit overhead electricity line between Ostrołęka-Stanisławów is the latest investment coming online to support the Baltic States in their efforts to synchronise with the continental European network.


Commission welcomes political agreement to make clean technology manufacturing in the EU resilient and competitive

The provisional political agreement reached on the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) will help the EU become home to clean technologies and make significant strides towards building a strong domestic manufacturing capacity of those technologies.


Central and south-eastern European energy ministers reconfirm energy priorities for the region in Athens meeting

Energy ministers met in Greece on 19 January to discuss the region’s priorities in energy infrastructure and market integration, resulting in a set of Ministerial conclusions, an updated action plan on electricity and renewable energy, and an updated action plan on gases.


Share of renewables in transport increased slightly in 2022

In 2022, the share of renewable energy sources in transport reached 9.6% at EU level, a 0.5 percentage point increase compared with 2021 (9.1%), but still below the highest level ever reached in 2020 (10.3%).


Battery-only electric cars continued to increase in 2022

In 2022, the number of battery-only electric passenger cars in the EU countries almost reached 3.0 million, which is a +55% increase compared with 2021 (1.9 million).


Fossil fuel reliance in EU increased slightly in 2022

In 2022, the EU’s reliance on fossil fuels for its overall energy supply stood at 70.9%, as illustrated by the ratio of fossil fuels in gross available energy (the total energy demand of a country or region).


Energy fact of the month

Reduced gas demand

By the end of December 2023, EU countries, industry, the power sector and households, had reduced the EU’s total gas demand by 101 billion cubic meters (18%) since August 2022, compared to the 5-year average. (source: ENER Chief Economist Team, 29/1/2024).

Speeches by Commissioner Simson

Remarks at the EU-Moldova High-Level Energy Dialogue press conference (2 February 2024)


Speech at ENTSO-E's launch of the first Offshore Network Development Plans (23 January 2024)


Watch and listen!

New series of 18 videos on energy poverty - Challenges and success stories

Watch now the new Energy Poverty Advisory Hub videos, where the interviewees talk about different projects, their challenges and successes.


Urban Reverb podcast on REPowerEU with Director Paula Pinho

DG Energy Director Paula Pinho delves into the ambitious plans of REPowerEU on the new Urban Reverb podcast by the Smart Cities Marketplace. Listen and discover how the EU is rapidly reducing its dependence on fossil fuels, while accelerating the green energy transition.


Upcoming events

IEA and EC workshop: “EU and LAC: how can we collaborate towards a just energy transition?”

date 12/02/2024
venue Brussels (Belgium)

Smart Readiness Indicator joint event

date 07/03/2024
venue Brussels (Belgium)

The EU blueprint for fusion energy

date 23/04/2024
venue Brussels (Belgium)

38th Madrid Forum

date 25/04/2024 - 26/04/2024
venue Madrid (Spain)

Clean energy for EU island forum 2024

date 14/05/2024 - 15/05/2024
venue Pantelleria (Italy)

Fifth meeting of the Equality Platform for the energy sector

date 16/05/2024
venue Florence (Italy)

Public consultations and calls

Renewable energy – guidance on designating renewables acceleration areas

Deadline 23/02/2024

Unlocking private investment in energy efficiency – guidance to Member States and market actors

Deadline 26/02/2024

Energy efficiency – assessing the level of EU & national funding

Deadline 26/02/2024

Design elements of renewable energy auctions (guidance)

Deadline 01/03/2024

Latest studies and publications

Clean energy transition guide


Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) - Energy 2023: latest achievements and way forward


Support on the use of congestion revenues for offshore renewable energy projects connected to more than one market


Study on monitoring of radioactive discharges from nuclear facilities in the EU


Union bioenergy sustainability report



DG Energy

Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson

The European Green Deal

© European Union 2024 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

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ISSN: 2529-4857