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  July 2023  

DG Energy Newsletter

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Eurobarometer: Europeans show strong support for the EU energy policy and for EU's response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and more optimism regarding economy

The latest Standard Eurobarometer survey conducted in June 2023 shows that EU citizens continue to back overwhelmingly the energy transition and to expect massive investment in renewables.

European Commission proposes a coordinated EU withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty

This Treaty is largely unchanged since it was agreed in the 1990s, and is no longer compatible with the EU’s enhanced climate ambition under the European Green Deal and the Paris Agreement.

EU-U.S. Task Force on Energy Security reviews the progress on energy security situation

The EU-U.S. Task Force on Energy Security met virtually on 6 July 2023 to discuss the implementation of the 25 March 2022 Joint Statement by Presidents Biden and von der Leyen, as well as their commitment of 10 March 2023 to continue to work together to advance energy security and sustainability in Europe.

CEF Energy: two studies selected for funding under cross-border renewables

Following the publication of the 2022 CEF Energy call for works and studies for cross-border renewable energy (CB RES) projects, opened for applications until 23 February 2023, two projects have been selected requesting a total of EUR 22,1 million of EU funding.

EU exchange programme for collaboration between coal regions in transition draws to a close

Spanning two rounds of exchanges which took place between November 2021 and June 2023, the programme helped set up 17 exchanges among a total of 24 transitioning coal+ regions across the EU.

Commissioner Simson hosts launch event with International Renewable Energy Agency Director-General to discuss new report on smart electrification

The ‘Innovation Landscape for Smart Electrification' report provides a toolbox for governments of 100 innovative solutions to tailor national strategies and cut emissions in end-uses of energy.

Renewable hydrogen production: new rules formally adopted

On 20 June, the Commission published the two delegated acts outlining detailed rules on the EU definition of renewable hydrogen, following the end of the period of scrutiny for the European Parliament and Council.

Circular economy: New rules to make phones and tablets more durable, energy efficient and easier to repair, enabling sustainable choices by consumers

On 16 June, the Commission proposed new rules to help consumers make informed and sustainable choices when purchasing mobile and cordless phones, and tablets, under the existing EU Energy Labelling Regulation.

Preliminary 2022 data for energy show mixed trends

Preliminary data for 2022 show that, after 2021 saw an increase in the supply of all products (hard and brown coal, natural gas, petroleum products and nuclear), there was a sharp drop in 2022 for nuclear and natural gas, while brown coal and petroleum products continued increasing.

EU slashes Russian oil; emergency stocks up

In March 2023, the total imports of crude oil and petroleum products from Russia into the EU decreased to 1.4 million tonnes (Mt) compared with the average monthly figure of 15.2 Mt in the three years from 2019 to 2022 (-90%).

Coal production and consumption up in 2022

Coal production and consumption up in 2022

Speeches by Commissioner Simson
Opening speech at the 2023 European Sustainable Energy Week
Keynote speech at COGEN Europe's Annual Conference
Upcoming events
International Annual Conference on Energy Poverty in Warsaw

date 19/09/2023 - 20/09/2023
venue Warsaw, Poland
Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum 2023

date 25/10/2023
venue Brussels, Belgium
16th European Nuclear Energy Forum

date 06/11/2023 - 07/11/2023
venue Bratislava, Slovakia
Carbon capture, utilisation and storage Forum

date 27/11/2023 - 28/11/2023
venue Aalborg, Denmark
Public consultations
Call for evidence: Energy Union and climate action – Review report on the Governance Regulation
Deadline 03/08/2023
Heat pumps – action plan to accelerate roll-out across the EU
Deadline 30/08/2023
Industrial carbon management – carbon capture, utilisation and storage deployment
Deadline 31/08/2023
Cooking appliances - energy labelling requirements
Deadline 31/08/2023
Latest studies and publications
Assessment of the energy footprint of digital actions and services
Bridge - Exploration of citizen engagement methodologies in European R&I projects 3.0
Bridge - Investigation of relationship of use cases and cross-domain business models. Report on topic 1
ENTEC - Regulatory sandboxes in the energy sector - Final report
ENTEC - Regulatory sandboxes in the energy sector - Terms of reference
Did you know?
The European Commission offers photos and videos for use free of charge

The audiovisual material (photos, videos and audios) made available on the website of the Audiovisual Service of the European Commission is offered free of charge for EU-related information and education purposes. Users are just requested to refer to the credit which accompanies each individual file.

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DG Energy

Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson

The European Green Deal

© European Union 2023 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

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Catalogue number: MJ-AF-23-007-EN-N

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ISSN: 2529-4857