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  April 2023  

DG Energy Newsletter

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EU Energy Platform: the first call for placing demand to buy gas to open on 25 April

This requires that interested companies from EU countries and the Contracting Parties of the Energy Community finalise their registration with the service provider and subscribe to the AggregateEU service by 20 April.

Commission presents new ecodesign rules for electrical appliances in “standby” mode

By requiring reduced electricity consumption of products when they are in low power mode, the Commission estimates that annual energy savings of 4 TWh will be generated by 2030.

European Green Deal: EU agrees stronger legislation to accelerate the rollout of renewable energy

The agreement on 30 March raises the EU's binding renewable target for 2030 to a minimum of 42.5%, up from the current 32% target and almost doubling the existing share of renewable energy in the EU.

The Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism sees first tender established

The tender is organised in the framework of the renewable energy financing mechanism and builds on the commitments by Luxembourg and Finland to cooperate under this new instrument.

EU-US Energy Council reiterates importance of bilateral cooperation

The Energy Council Ministerial Meeting was held in Brussels on 4 April to discuss energy security in Europe, joint decarbonisation efforts and how to further enhance cooperation in the energy sector.

EU-US Task Force on Energy Security: one year on

The report confirms that in 2022 the United States exported 56 billion cubic meters (bcm) of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the EU - up from 22 bcm in 2021.

Commission extends Market Correction Mechanism to other trading hubs

The Commission adopted this measure on 31 March in order to provide an even broader shield from high and volatile gas prices.

Pact for Skills: Launch of large-scale renewable energy skills partnership

On 21 March, renewable energy trade associations and representatives of installers of clean technologies, with the support of the European Commission, set up a large-scale skills partnership for the renewable energy industrial ecosystem.

Preparing for the next winter starts now: Commission proposes to prolong the gas demand reduction measures

The Commission proposed on 20 March to prolong emergency legislation on measures to reduce gas demand by 15% for another 12 months.

European Hydrogen Bank aims to stimulate investment in renewable hydrogen

The initiative published on 16 March is aimed at accelerating investment to help end imports of Russian fossil fuels and achieve carbon-neutrality.

Commission report underlines positive impact of the gas storage regulation

EU countries made ‘substantial and unprecedented efforts’ to refill their gas storage facilities in 2022, surpassing the legislative 80% EU-wide storage level target and reaching 94.9% by 1 November 2022.

Eurostat publication: shedding light on energy

The 2023 edition helps to make the complex process of energy more understandable.

Renewables: main source of energy production in 2021

In 2021, the largest contributing source to primary energy production in the EU was renewable energy (41% of total EU energy production). This has been the case since 2016, when renewables surpassed nuclear for the first time.

Speeches by Commissioner Simson
Opening remarks at the press conference following the Energy Council (28 March 2023)
Speech at the European Economic and Social Committee Plenary Session on the way forward for EU energy policy (22 March 2023)
Upcoming events
Third meeting of the Equality Platform for the energy sector

date 20/04/2023
High-level conference: Looking at the future of the Energy Union, beyond the crisis

date 20/04/2023
Webinar ‘Energy transition and air quality: solutions and good practices’

date 27/04/2023
venue Online
Registration Register
37th Madrid Forum

date 11/05/2023 - 12/05/2023
venue Madrid, Spain
17th EMA network meeting

date 24/05/2023 - 25/05/2023
venue Brussels, Belgium
Latest studies and publications
Latest METIS 2 studies on the European energy system for electricity, gas, hydrogen and heat
Study providing analytical support for the financial instruments and programmes to facilitate investment in the energy sector
ENTEC - Competitiveness of system integration elements
Study on radioactive waste classification schemes in the European Union
ETIP SNET: Energy storage systems - KPI assessment and prioritisation of R&I targets
Advancing district heating & cooling solutions and uptake in European cities
Watch our 2 new videos about people with energy efficient skills
Gerrit-Jan, machine operator in the Netherlands

This former bricklayer now builds panels that insulate buildings' facades, improve their energy performance, and save in energy bills.

Florian, product expert in a laboratory in Germany

This head of laboratory tests lightning and other consumer electronic products to make sure they comply with EU ecodesign and energy label rules.

Public consultations
Priority list for the development of gas network codes and guidelines for 2023 (and beyond)
Deadline 19/04/2023
New product priorities for Ecodesign for Sustainable Products
Deadline 25/04/2023
Take part in the survey!
Cross-border projects in the field of renewable energy

The survey aims to gather information from stakeholders interested in funding opportunities and future calls on cross-border RES projects. It is open until 21 April.



DG Energy

Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson

The European Green Deal

© European Union 2023 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

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ISSN: 2529-4857