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  November 2022  

DG Energy Newsletter

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In focus
In focus: Renewable hydrogen to decarbonise the EU’s energy system

Since existing hydrogen production relies on imported natural gas, Russia’s war against Ukraine has put hydrogen, and renewable hydrogen in particular, in an even more prominent place in the EU’s accelerated transition to shift away from Russian fossil fuels,and diversify its energy supplies.

Implementing the Energy Union: Commission reports on energy transition progress

The Commission has published today a series of reports and documents accompanying the 7th State of the Energy Union report, published on 18 October. They highlight the progress made in implementing the Energy Union.

REPowerEU: Commission steps up green transition away from Russian gas by accelerating renewables permitting

The European Commission proposed on 9 November a new temporary emergency regulation to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy sources.

Joint Statement on the EU-Egypt Renewable Hydrogen Partnership

The EU- Egypt Memorandum of Understanding, issued on 8 November in the Sharm El-Sheikh Summit, is a central block in the building of an EU-Mediterranean Renewable Hydrogen Partnership.

Joint Statement following the latest meeting of the EU-US Task Force on Energy Security

On 3 November 2022, the EU-US Task Force on Energy Security met in Washington to discuss implementation of the 25 March Joint Statement by Presidents von der Leyen and Biden, which aims to help diversify the EU's natural gas supplies and reduce natural gas demand and consumption.

Ukraine Reconstruction: Commissioner Simson visits the country to boost the support for Ukraine's energy system

Commissioner Simson visited Ukraine on 1 November to discuss with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Minister of Energy German Galushchenko and international partners the immediate concrete support for its battered energy sector.

Call for applications for candidate projects in all categories under new Energy Infrastructure Regulation

The Commission has opened a call for applications for energy infrastructure projects under the new Trans-European Network for Energy Regulation (EU/2022/869), that was revised last year. Running until 15 December, the call covers all energy infrastructure categories, including candidates for Projects of Common Interest and the new Projects of Mutual Interest.

Energy saving options for SMEs to better cope with the crisis

Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly feeling the burden of exorbitant energy prices. To help them address this difficult situation, the European Commission and the International Energy Agency presented on 21 October, a series of immediately available actions that can be taken at various levels.

Commission establishes Industry Advisory Group to support the EU Energy Platform

As one of the key motors for the platform, this informal expert group will assist the Commission with the necessary industrial perspective to meet the objectives of the EU Energy Platform and address current energy challenges.

Commission makes additional proposals to fight high energy prices and ensure security of supply

The Commission proposed on 18 October a new emergency regulation to address high gas prices in the EU and ensure security of supply this winter.

Commission sets out actions to digitalise the energy sector to improve efficiency and renewables integration

On 18 October, the Commission presented an Action Plan highlighting how new technologies can help improve the efficient use of energy resources, facilitate the integration of renewables into the grid, and save costs for EU consumers and energy companies.

Open Commission competition for administrators in the field of energy

The European Commission's competition for administrators (AD 6) in the fields of energy, climate, and environment is open for application until 22 November 2022.

Opening speech by Commissioner Simson at the 15th European Nuclear Energy Forum
Speech by Commissioner Simson at the Carbon Capture, Use and Storage Forum
Upcoming events
Annual meeting of the Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine

date 22/11/2022 - 23/11/2022
venue Brussels, Belgium
2nd plenary meeting of the Smart Readiness Indicator platform

date 23/11/2022
14th Citizens’ Energy Forum

date 24/11/2022
venue Dublin, Ireland
Registration Register
Second meeting of the Equality Platform for the energy sector

date 25/11/2022
venue Hybrid
First Plenary Meeting of the Investors Dialogue on Energy

date 10/01/2023
Latest studies and publications
Study on the performance of support for electricity from renewable sources granted by means of tendering procedures in the Union 2022
Study on energy subsidies and other government interventions in the European Union
E-mobility deployment and impact on grids
ITER - Is it possible to imitate the power of the sun?

ITER is an international, large-scale scientific collaboration intended to prove the viability of fusion as an energy source. Want to find out how? Watch our newest videos!

Public consultations
Targeted consultation on Methodologies for assessing costs and benefits of candidate projects under the revised TEN-E Regulation - 2022
Deadline 06/01/2023
Did you miss it?
EU Energy Day at COP27

The event took place on 14 November and the 7 high-level sessions had over 1200 participants (onsite and online). If you missed it, no worries - all sessions were recorded!


DG Energy

Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson

The European Green Deal

© European Union 2022 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

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Catalogue number: MJ-AF-22-011-EN-N

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ISSN: ISSN 2529-4857