DG Energy News - December 2021
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  December 2021  

DG Energy News

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In focus
The digital transformation of our energy system

Digitalisation can play an important role in reaching our long-term ambition of becoming climate-neutral by 2050. The article is available in EN but more linguistic versions will follow.

Commission proposes new EU framework to decarbonise gas markets, promote hydrogen and reduce methane emissions

The Commission has adopted a set of legislative proposals to decarbonise the EU gas market by facilitating the uptake of renewable and low carbon gases, including hydrogen, and to ensure energy security for all citizens in Europe.

Commission proposes to boost renovation and decarbonisation of buildings

The Commission has proposed today to align the rules for the energy performance of buildings with the European Green Deal and decarbonise the EU's building stock by 2050.

Political agreement reached on revised TEN-E rules for cross-border energy infrastructure

New EU rules for cross-border energy infrastructure and future Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) have been agreed in principle, following the political agreement reached by Council, European Parliament and Commission negotiators.

European Commission adopts new methodology rules for renewable cooling

New rules, establishing a methodology for calculating the quantity of renewable cooling and district cooling that can be counted towards EU renewable energy targets, were published by the European Commission.

Ecodesign and energy labelling: key tools for reducing consumers’ energy bills and EU use of fossil fuels

The report offers a rich collection of concrete, down-to-earth examples of estimates on energy savings, in total and per product.

Green energy products 2020: EU imports exceed exports

According to EUROSTAT, the EU spent €11.2 billion on imports of green energy products from countries outside the EU in 2020.

The North Seas countries Ministerial Meeting

The countries of the North Seas Energy Cooperation (NSEC) have renewed their Political Declaration and deepened cooperation to meet the ambitious offshore wind 2030 - 2050 targets.

ENTSO-E winter outlook underlines greater resilience of EU electricity market

ENTSO-E underlines that disruptions in electricity supply this winter are even less likely than they were 12 months ago.

Commission proposes new list of Projects of Common Interest for a more integrated and resilient energy market

The 5th list of energy PCIs consists of key cross-border infrastructure projects for building a more integrated and resilient EU internal energy market and pursuing our energy and climate goals.

Commission updates regional risk groups for security of gas supplies

They will analyse the risks for the next 4 years and advise EU countries and the Commission on the measures to manage these risks properly.

Speeches by the Commissioner
Closing speech by Commissioner Simson at the European Hydrogen Week
Frans Timmermans and Kadri Simson remarks on new European Green Deal proposals
Upcoming events
The Nordic ITER Business Forum - new dates

date 29/03/2022 - 30/03/2022
venue Copenhagen, Denmark
Energy Transition Expertise Centre Stakeholder Workshop

date 31/01/2022
Latest studies and publications
METIS study on costs and benefits of a pan-European hydrogen infrastructure
Assistance to the impact assessment for designing a regulatory framework hydrogen
Assistance to assessing options improving market conditions for bio-methane and gas market rules
ExchangeEU - The change starts here

Watch the new promotional video for ExchangeEU, the EU coal regions exchange programme.

Public consultations
Digitalising the energy sector – EU action plan
date 24/01/2022
DG Energy

Commissioner for energy Kadri Simson

The European Green Deal

© European Union 2021 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

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Catalogue number: MJ-AF-21-012-EN-N

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